• Block Eight Merry Merry Snow Days

    You’ve had some extra time to catch up on Merry Merry Snowmen between blocks seven and eight.  I’m sure you all took advantage of it right?  If not, the good news is that this is an easy block!  Hopefully, you have enough of this quilt done to sew some rows together.  I find that once I can see the quilt blocks together, I’m inspired to keep going! We’re onto block eight of Merry Merry Snow Days!  The ski patrol is here!  Tucked inside the sleigh is a first aid kit, and this snowman has been trained in CPR.  He’s ready to help with any accidents that might happen on the…

  • Merry Merry Snow Days Block Seven

    Welcome to block seven of Merry Merry Snow Days!  Llamas ski free today and they are excited!  They’ve already spent money renting skates, so a freebie is great.  The line is sure to get long as the day goes on, but this little girl arrived early, and she’s first. We’re working from the bottom row up today, slightly different than your pattern says.  We’re going to make the large sign first.  You should already have the pieced stars made, so sew together your sign background and stars. Prepare the bottom sign applique and post, then place the signs over the pattern and trace the wording.  Center the sign on the…

  • Merry Merry Snow Days Block Six

    Are you ready for Merry Merry Snow Days, Block Six?  You don’t think I’d forget about your sweet tooth, do you?. I’ve got a sweet tooth that never quits, so get on board the sweet train with me! It’s filled with candy and marshmallows for your hot chocolate.  Of course, Mr. llama is ready to deliver the treats. The background has two fabrics that need to be fussy cut.  When you cut the red and green snow flower fabric make sure it’s straight or your applique will look tilted. Sew those fussy cut backgrounds together and let’s prep our applique. We’re using the 1/4″ bias again for the llama legs,…

  • Merry Merry Snow Days Block Five

    With block five we are officially half-way through our quilt!  It’s time for sledding school!  Those snowmen are really crowded on the sled, but the snow angel instructor is too sweet to make one of them get off.  So here we go, are you ready?   We’re starting with the strip of applique snow at the bottom of the block.  This piece is easy because only the top of the snow requires applique prep.  The other three sides are inserted into the seam allowance.  Pin or glue baste the hill in place and then sew on the side background fabric.  Now go ahead and applique the snow in place.  I…

  • Merry Merry Snow Days, Block Four

    If you’re still embroidering skate runners from block number three, don’t worry!  Block Four will go faster than the others, and you’ll have time to catch up. Remember all the 1/4″ bias you made for llama legs?  It’s going to make your applique life much easier in block number four.  The lodge poles and tree trunks are from the same bias.  And, we’re ready for the third star that you made at the beginning of this quilt.  You can almost sit back rest those applique fingers.  Almost. I’ve divided this block into two parts to make it easier to applique.  Let’s start by prepping all the applique for part one. …

  • Merry Merry snow days block three

    Every time I design a quilt block, I try to keep the small parts to a minimum.  Block three of Merry Merry Snow Days is no exception. I thought of you when I was drawing this block.  My first idea was to have skates hanging from the garland.  Then I thought about how many runners you’d have to embroider, and stars took their place.  If you feel you can’t do stars, be sure and read my directions on page 3 of your pattern for the applique stitch.  Stars are easy if you know how to applique points. The skates are easy because all the tiny parts are embroidered!  We used…