
This girl is 16

It’s time for a Chelsea update. At 16, she’s officially the oldest Bunny Hill employee, and as I sit here watching her, I can’t believe she’s been with me for almost as long as I’ve been designing. I started my business 20 years ago, and I’m surprised I could even design before I got her! She’s been my daily partner while I work; she gives me advice, helps me pick out colors, and helps run my giveaways. Her view of the world is one I live by;

Be friendly to everyone.

Start every day with a walk around the park.

Eat breakfast every day.

Take naps when you’re tired and even if you’re not.

Be sure and smell the rose bushes.

Make time for playtime every day.

Don’t worry about the little things, like when people say, “oh, I can tell she eats well,” or, “she’s an old one, isn’t she?”

End every day with a good dinner, a bedtime treat, and a soft, comfy blanket.


Yes, she’s slowly turning white, and compared to her baby photos, she looks like a different dog. But that being said, when I compare my baby photos to my current ones, I look like a different person. LOL.

You might remember when she got in trouble as a puppy and had to have “booking photos” taken? Oh my, she was a dickens!

Here she’s checking my first fabric line for Moda, telling me she thinks it’s a “go.” She has such a color sense!

When I need help choosing colors, she always has an opinion. So here she is selecting a blue for me.

She likes to dress up for the seasons and is a good sport!

She gets along with all the senior dogs I’ve brought home and loves the kitties too! Unfortunately, we’ve had to say goodbye to my beloved Tinkerbell (below left), but we still have Rosie (next to Chelsea) and Gracie (bottom right).


Four or five months ago, Chelsea got a scratch on her eye that never healed. Months of eye drops, including blood serum, haven’t helped, and the scratch has become an eye ulcer. You can see it in the photo below. It looks like a bubble on top of her eye.

Yesterday I was trying to clean under her eye, and somehow the ulcer ruptured. It’s very painful, and after an emergency trip to our vet, the only real solution seems to be to remove the eye. We’ve put it off for months because of her age and health, but I take her in on Tuesday for surgery. They will simply stitch the eyelid shut after they remove the eye, and she should feel much better after it heals. She’s blind in that eye already because of the ulcer.

Because of her age, surgery is risky. Because of her health, surgery is risky (she has heart problems and seizures). The only good news is that she’s lost all her weight and she’s a healthy 7 1/2 lbs.   I hate this surgery thing so much!

I’ll update you on this post right here after she has her surgery. Please say a prayer.

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you’ve already seen my posts on Blueberry Delight, my new fabric line for Moda. I’ll be back to tell you about it very soon! It’s a pretty blue & cream line!

Chelsea Update 3/28

Our vet did a chest x-ray on Chelsea today and decided to postpone her surgery.  Her lungs weren’t clear, and her heart was larger now than on her last x-ray.  So, she’s increased her heart meds; hopefully, this will help.  Her eye will get rechecked next week.  At this point, she isn’t in pain, and her eye ulcer looks exactly like last week. She’s happy to be home and has no idea she has a heart problem.
I’ve had other dogs with congestive heart failure (Bitsy Button and Milkshake), and our vet gave them several more years of a good life with heart medications.  Chelsea has an eye ulcer on top of the heart problem, but she’s as happy as can be.  Thank you to every one of you who said a prayer for her.


  • Janet F

    Thanks for the update, Anne… she’s been on my mind all day.  Happy as can be is a good thing! I’ll keep her in my thoughts. 

  • Gerry

    Thanks for the update on sweet Chelsea- I’ve loved her from afar all these years- I’ve always connected to her battle with the scale! Good luck and prayers for surgery 

  • mimisdarlins

    Anne, so sorry to hear about Chelsea’s troubles.  I pray that all goes well and she’ll be back on her feet very soon.  Fortunately, she has lots of furry nurses to help.  love to all…..

  • Susan R

    Awww – poor baby.  Keep us posted on how she will be doing and I hope and pray for her and you.  My son’s dog has something similar on her eye (not exactly sure what it is called) and an operation is more or less optional.  They were told the other eye may develop the same thing and then, they advise the operation.  Not easy to see our loved animals in pain or discomfort!  Hang in there!

  • Janet F

    What a lovely post, Anne!  I’ve added Chelsea’s successful surgery to my list, along with her doctors and of course, her family.  My thoughts and prayers will be with you all.  

  • Judi L

    I’ll say an extra prayer for Chelsea (and you) that the surgery goes well. As hard as it is on our fur babies, I think it’s harder on the parents. Sending good thoughts your way.

  • Penny Hadd

    I wish your little girl along with strong prayers.  And for you also.  They are family & understand how your feel.  Blessings to you both.

  • Fran Claassens

    My cocker got glaucoma and they removed his eye as you described will happen Tuesday and he came home like nothing even happened.  He too was old but it brought him a few more pain free days.  I know how much you love him.  He will come home ok.  I think so.  Fran Claassens 

  • Heidi Jeanette Gorthy

    Your love of your furry family is legendary and I love the photos you post. Will definitely say prayers and think healing thoughts for Chelsea’s recovery. My friends senior dog had an eye removed and has perked up so much since the surgery and it doesn’t seem to have impacted him in any way. All good thoughts. Heidi Gorthy

  • Jan

    The best to both you & Chelsea with the surgery. My sister’s miniature poodle age 15, needed both eyes removed due to glaucoma & then an ulcer. Lucy, the dog, adjusted better than my sister. 

  • Lori

    I, too have a 16 year old pup……she is blind and diabetic, but still a love.  Angel does sleep a lot, and we have said goodbye to the pill she was in her youth.  Now, it’s loves and cuddles……Angel is a Minpin.  She has been the best pup….

  • kathy druge

    Anne, i said a prayer for your little dog  I hope everything goes well. Remember me, you came to my house with our friend Margerat Peters. Kathy

  • Nina Christman

    My little one had to have a cyst removed by his eye. They put on a collar which lasted two steps past the door. I found a soft cloth one which worked well. Good luck and much love.

  • Nanci Cartwright

    What a good human you are to your lucky pets.  I’ll be thinking of Chelsea, understanding that her age and health will have an impact on the surgery. But she also has a lot of love going in her favor.  I had a kitty once who had to have her eye removed because of an ulcer.  Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. She did very well with one eye. 

  • Margo

    Oh, how lovely your update on sweet little Chelsea is.  Keeping you both in my thoughts & prayers. You are the best person she could have in her life.  With caring thoughts. ❤️

  • DeAnna Dodson

    Oh, sweet little Chelsea! What a wonderful partner she is to you! And so darling. (I love her mugshots!) I’ll definitely be praying that her surgery goes well and that she feels better afterward. This Halloween, she can dress up like a pirate. :)

  • Linda

    Oh so sorry to read about Chelsea’s challenges. Having a dog so long is a blessing for both of you. I hope she fares well with her surgery. You too!

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