My Sweet Peanut
I had to say goodbye to Peanut last week and it hurts so much I can hardly write this post. She’s been fighting IBD since we brought her home. At first, her medications worked wonders, but slowly over time, they quit and we’ve had to try new ones. I knew it was bad when our vet referred us to a…
Emerging from the bat cave
I’ve announced the winners at the bottom of this post. Thank you to everyone who left me a comment! I’m emerging from the “Bat Cave” once again, able to catch my breath and get back to blog posting. For the last three weeks, I’ve been in “design mode”. My friends know not to text me, call me or drop by…
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, everyone! Are you excited for what most of us think of as a new beginning? There are so many things I want to accomplish this year, and I’ve made a list, so I don’t forget any of them. Remember last year when Marie Condo was the new thing? Well, I’m still working on de-cluttering my closets, drawers,…
Cake and Cupcakes Blog hop
Welcome to the Moda All-Stars Mix-it-up blog hop! The Moda All-Stars have been sewing away with cake and cupcakes, and it’s so much fun! When Martingale asked us to create a quilt using either Cake or Cupcake papers, I didn’t hesitate. I love these papers! They make piecing a quilt so easy. Of course, they remind me of my favorite…
Block Ten Merry Merry Snow Days
Welcome to the final block of Merry Merry Snow Days! It should feel so good to have this quilt almost complete, and you’ll have time to get it quilted for the holiday season! We’re off to the races, and our llama is ready! He’s registered for the race and wearing his number proudly, His ski goggles are protecting those llama…
Updates and tidbits
It’s time for some updates and tidbits! Snow Happy Hearts, Eleven and Twelve My last two ornaments are ready for you! If you’ve been sewing along, you’ll have a set of twelve after you finish! You’ll find the pattern for each one under “FREE” on my blog and website. If you haven’t started yet, there’s still time! My assistant Sue…