• Twenty of you get a prize!

     Today is Fig Tree Day on the Moda Blog Hop Country Fair! Go, go, go and download the cutest chicken scratch ever! Oh my goodness how many comments did you say there were?  Chelsea calculated out that if she had $1 for every comment, she’d be able to buy enough dog treats to last for several years!    I told her we didn’t have any room to store them and a dog treat obsession isn’t a good one to have…now a fabric obsession is another story.  If I just had one fat quarter for every comment… Chelsea and I are dreamers for sure… So let’s get to the fun! If you…

  • It’s A Country Fair!

    Today is American Jane Day at the Fair… Wait until you see Miss Henny Penny!      Lissa Alexander at Moda Fabrics always has creative ideas…she stores them in her head and just pulls them out when she needs one.  Amazing talent don’t you think?  She came up with the idea of the Moda Country Fair Blog Hop and then she thought up all these things for us to do!  Thanks Lissa, you are just so smart! We’ve been talking about the Moda Country Fair for the last month around the studio and somehow Chelsea got the idea she was invited to the fair.  She’s got these big brown eyes…

  • We’ve Been Making Bundles!

    We’ve spent the week making little fabric bundles of Lily & Will.  I’m getting ready for new fabric to arrive and some just has to go because I’m running out of room!  Perfect little stash builders…can I tempt you? Oh my these are hard to part with!  Something about a “bundle” that makes me so happy!  You’ll find these little bundles here on my website.  I’ve got a basket filled with these just waiting to leave the studio! I’ve also put some quilts on my website to sell…something I’ve never done before.  NO, they’re not my applique block of the months… I’m saving those for I’d be in trouble with…

  • Raised in the Country

    I wasn’t raised in the country, but I sure wish I had been.  Something about the early morning fresh air, the sound of chickens and of course those wonderful Country Fairs!  That was the theme this market at the Moda booth…Country Fair and what a fair it was! Did you ever win a ribbon at the Country Fair?  Moda had lots to share! Come on in, it’s fair time!  Get your ticket and you could win a prize! I heard someone won an IPad by spinning that wheel… …and these sock monkeys were pretty darn cute in this adorable Ferris wheel! Dibs on the big monkey in the blue seat!…

  • Let’s walk around!

    Creativity and inspiration are everywhere at Quilt Market.  It’s almost sensory overload!  I always come back so inspired, I love it! Barb and Mary from Me and My Sister were right next to us and their booth was FILLED with creativity! Barb said it took 7 yards of fabric to crochet this beautiful headboard for their bed.  And what a genius husband that made the actual bed from pipes! Barb and Mary played hopscotch on this darling quilt.  Have you ever seen anything so cute?  Yes, Barb and Mary are cute too, but I’m talking about the quilt! I’ve admired Christina Strutt of Cabbages and Roses fame forever.  She’s written…

  • Nighty Night in the Bunny Hill Booth

    A sea of white and gray that goes forever.  Sounds beautiful doesn’t it?  Dream away because arrival at the convention center is never a pretty sight. The sea of white…polyester curtains.  The sea of gray…steel poles.  Then someone throws in some purple carpet. Sometimes I arrive with a plan for the booth but not this time.  We had extra help from Pauline and Pam who I met through blogging! They worked so hard to help us figure out what to do.  They held quilts as I stood back and gave the thumbs up or down.  They went up and down that ladder too many times to count and we were…