
Milkshake Sutton

We said goodbye to Milkshake today.  She died in my arms, wrapped in a soft blanket.  She was 14 1/2 and had congestive heart failure, although, in the end, it wasn’t her heart that got her, it was kidney failure.

She defied the cardiologist when he told her she had 4 months to live in June of, 2015.  I know she didn’t like him much anyway so she remained in the care of her regular vet who is anything but “regular”.  Today, when we said goodbye, her vet cried as much as we did.

I’m so blessed to have had this dog as a part of our lives.  She brought love and joy to all of us.   I feel so empty today like someone took a huge piece of me away.  I know time will fill the emptiness and I’ll be left with her wonderful memories.


A dog’s love is like no other.  She will be missed so much.






  • Trudie

    My heart goes out to you!   It is so hard to lose a precious family member.  My Dukie is 20, has congestive heart failure and a heart murmur.  He is going blind and deaf.  I cannot imagine life without him.  He was 6 when we rescued him.  He’s blessed us for 14 years.   My sympathies!  

  • Carolyn S Cecil

    So, so sorry….  Have lost many pets but it still brings heartache when I hear of someone’s loss.

  • Frances M Brooks

    All pets go to heaven where there is only joy, no pain or suffering. The love lives in our hearts forever. One of our kitties also went the way of your beloved Milkshake, and the loss is immense. I can only hope that the love our pets had during their life with us is remembered.

  • Michelle B

    So sorry to hear about Milkshake. My little Mini Doxie, Daisy will be 14 this year and I know that day is coming for us also, and how I will miss her companionship. Just an idea. How about a quilt block in her memory?

  • Anne at Walden Woods

    Oh Anne this made me so sad – I can imagine the happy memories you have.  Loving your pet is a special joy and blessing like no other.

  • mimi'sdarlins

    I am so very sorry, Anne.  Our dear furry friends are such a big part of our lives, and the sadness of losing them is overwhelming.  The first days are always the hardest, but I know that for months afterward you expect to see her in her favorite spots around the house, or even hear a little bark that was definitely hers.  I wish you well as you try to make this very difficult adjustment.  Sending my love….

  • marcille

    I’m so sorry for your loss, out pets are just as much a part of our families as the humans and it hurts just as much to lose them.  You remain in my thoughts…

  • Gloria Chandler

    I feel for your loss. It is always hard to lose one of our babies. We have lost many over the years, and it does not get easier. We still miss them everyday. We try to remember the happy times and we are thankful they are no longer in pain. Prayers for you.

  • Karen D Martin

    I’m so sorry to hear that Milkshake is gone. I lost my little Kylie last year to kidney failure and I know it is horrible to see a beloved pet suffering that way. Hugs to you and your family! 

  • Gale

    Anne I am so sorry to hear of your loss.  Milkshake has always been such a joy for all of us to share with you.  My heart goes out to you.
    Gale Kohler

  • Tina L

    I am so sorry to read this! I’ve always loved seeing your posts about Milkshake over the years and I know losing her is just devastating for you and your family. My heart breaks for you. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Lea Kagel

    Oh dearest Anne, how my heart aches for your aching heart. So sad. I wish I could comfort you with words and hugs but there is no true consolation for the loss of a loved one who has been so loyal and caring. It is heart wrenching and painful yet somehow, in time, we feel their presence near and know that tender mercies shown to us are sent from them on the other side of the rainbow. They can send beautiful butterflies, soft rain showers, unexpected cards, and sparkling nights, to name just a few. 
    Please accept my heartfelt sympathy and compassion at this very difficult time. You are so loved dear Anne and are so precious to me.
    Big hugs,
    Lea Kagel, Danville, CA

  • Renee Arnett

    Our dogs truly grab a part of our hearts that is so unique and unexplainable. I’m so very sorry for your loss. 


    Anne, thank you for letting us know about Milkshake – she was a brave soul! Milkshake will always be in your heart. Thinking of you today. 

  • Phyllis Miller

    so sorry for your loss. I lost my little rat terrier to congestive heart failure in 2014. He was also part of the family.

  • Susan K

    I lost my kitty Cocoa last year – he was 14. It was so hard. I cried for days. I still miss him so much. I have two new kitties as I just couldn’t be alone in the house without a kitty. I call them Cocoa by mistake. I find pictures of him and it makes me miss him even more. I’m sorry about Milkshake but know that he was loved and special and will be missed. 

  • Megan

    Oh how very sad.  Dogs never live long enough.  They are such a wonderful addition to our lives, we are fortunate to have them in our lives no matter how fleeting.  She was lucky to have you and you to have had her.

  • Mimi

    Oh, how I can understand the sorrow of losing such a beloved little furry friend, who looked so sweet! I’m sure Milkshake had a wonderful life by your side, and as you so well say, she will remain deep in your heart… My best thoughts to you. Mimi

  • Anita K

    Aww, I love Milkshake, always called her my Scooter’s girlfriend.  We all fell in love with her.  Prayers to you!!

  • JudtCinNC

    When I hear of a beloved pet passing I feel the unconditional love she gave you set the depth of your pain. How different your life would have been without Milkshake in it. I know and feel your sorrow. Judy C

  • liz n.

    Deepest condolences, Anne.  Milkshake was a part of our internet family here, and we will miss her.  It’s just never, ever easy to lose a loved one.  

  • Marry

    Lots of hugs from The Netherlands! I know the feeling, wish you a lot of strength, lots of beautiful memories will stay forever 😘

  • Cassie Schlais

    Oh Anne, I am so sorry to hear of your sweet Milkshake. We’ve lost a couple dogs who’ve been very near and dear to our heart. Its so very hard. Hold her memories close to your heart.

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