
Milkshake Sutton

We said goodbye to Milkshake today.  She died in my arms, wrapped in a soft blanket.  She was 14 1/2 and had congestive heart failure, although, in the end, it wasn’t her heart that got her, it was kidney failure.

She defied the cardiologist when he told her she had 4 months to live in June of, 2015.  I know she didn’t like him much anyway so she remained in the care of her regular vet who is anything but “regular”.  Today, when we said goodbye, her vet cried as much as we did.

I’m so blessed to have had this dog as a part of our lives.  She brought love and joy to all of us.   I feel so empty today like someone took a huge piece of me away.  I know time will fill the emptiness and I’ll be left with her wonderful memories.


A dog’s love is like no other.  She will be missed so much.






  • Susan Roberts

    So very sad and my heart goes out to you and your family.  I’ve gone through this several times with my cats/dogs, say I can never go through it again, and end up with another loved pet. They just don’t live long enough and I hope to meet them all again one day.  We all are thinking of you and all you can do is hang in there!

  • Little Quiltsong

    So, so sorry! We have gone through this too, and it never gets easier. They are just part of the family! Sending big hugs your way!

  • RuthB

    Oh Anne, my heart breaks for you. I held my boxer when she passed and my husband and I cried like babies. What a privilege it is to be able to hold our pups as they leave this world. To be able to give them love and comfort in their time of need is a great honor. What a long and beautiful life she had with you. What wonderful memories you will have. God bless. 

  • Judi Leventhal

    I know how difficult it is to lose a beloved fur baby. They love us unconditionally. I am so sorry for your loss. Time will heal your heart and leave you wonderful memories to keep you going. 

  • Karen Shackleford

    I’m so sorry, Anne, that you had to say goodbye to your special pup, Milkshake.  Will miss seeing her sweet face on your blog.  Sending a special hug.  

  • Teresa Springer

    I’m so sorry.  I hope you find peace and your pain eases.  The Rainbow Bridge poem helped me during my grief.  My prayers are with you and your baby.

  • Bonnie Lindsey

    I know the pain of losing a beloved pet, who is really a family member. No doubt her desire to stay in this world was a direct result of the loving care she received from you, your family, and her vet. Prayers of comfort for your aching 💓

  • Lace Faerie

    I am so very sorry for your pain. I am always amazed at how very deeply our 4-legged family members are embedded into our hearts! Knowing it would soon be time to put my 17-1/2 year old Siamese/Main Coon kitty to her rest, I held her on my lap in my recliner and cried for three days, only getting up to use the bathroom, we never left each other for a moment. She was in my arms when she passed. I cried for the next week, heartbroken. 
    Time will help heal your heart. Try to dwell all your wonderful memories, your smile will return.

  • Wendy Forbes

    Anne sorry for your loss but you have wonderful memories and may one day a picture quilt of Milkshake memories will emerge so her spirit is always there.

  • A Clark

    So sorry Anne! You are in our thoughts and prayers–we understand how beloved our doggies are– a huge part of the family–hang in there!

  • Rebecca S.

    I’m so sorry Anne. I know how you feel I just recently had to say goodbye to my cat due to cancer, he was 11 yrs old. Animals are such a part of our families.

  • Anne Jacobs

    I am so very sorry to read of the sad day you have had.  I have experienced the death of many beloved dogs and cats during my lifetime, and I can imagine the heartache you are feeling.  You provided Milkshake with a wonderful life–much better than so many creatures have.  I cannot imagine a heaven without the pets we have loved so faithfully in this life, so I hang onto the fact that I will someday be reunited with those who have gone ahead.  I hope that you, too, can find comfort in the coming days.  Milkshake would want you to find joy in your shared memories.             Lovingly……Anne Jacobs

  • Mary Salmon

    My love to you. I’m so sorry you lost Milkshake. I know how you must feel. I hope and pray your memories will help to heal your heart. I’m sending you a huge cyber hug. 

  • Jane Lemley

    There is nothing more heartbreaking then losing our beloved pets but Billy Graham said that we would see them again in heaven and who amongst us would question him.  What a glorious time we will have when we are reunited with our loved ones both two and four legged.  My sincere prayers for your loss. Jane

  • Betty

    So sorry!  We love our little friends!  Our yorkie, Jack, is faili
    ng and at 16 yrs old he keeps hanging in there.  Take a hug.

  • Pat Hergert

    So sorry for your loss.  I remember when you adopted Milkshake and thought it was so wonderful she would live out her life in your warm care.  The cost of loving pets is the pain of losing them.  I have held three dearly loved dogs as they breathed their last.  I still cry but I absolutely believe that easing their passage is our responsibility and thank you for all the love they have given us.  God bless.

  • Karen Seitz

    I am so sorry for your loss.  I know Milkshake had a great home full of love, and what more can any of us ask?

  • Cathy

    Oh Anne, so sorry for your loss. Your sentence about taking a piece away is a perfect description. I’ll be praying for you as you grief the loss of a sweet part of your life.

  • MaryLou Wahl

    I am so sorry for your loss-our pets are so much a part of our family-their passing is just as hard as any.Prayers and Blessings are with you, MaryLou

  • Gale

    So sorry for your loss Anne, but she was one lucky dog to be your family.  I know the sadness of losing a beloved pet.  Only time will heal your heart and all the happy memories will be even more cherished.  Sending hugs!!

  • DeAnna Dodson

    Oh, Anne, I’m crying with you. I always loved sweet Milkshake. I have cats, but if I were to get it dog, I’d want one just like her. She was so beautiful and dainty looking. I always wanted to just hug her. I’m glad you were with her to the very last. It’s never easy to lose someone so precious, but, yes, you will always have her sweet memory.  :::hugs:::

  • Pati Akers

    I’m sorry your lil buddy passed away. Sincere condolences to you and your family. I imagine your sweet puppys are enjoying each others company in heaven and saying “I was her favorite”….”No, I was her favorite”. Stay strong <3

  • Holly Nielson

    I’m so sorry for your loss.  My Yorkie Yogi went May 30th of last year and not a day goes by I don’t think of him.  My thoughts are with you.

  • Jan Taylor

    Oh Anne, I am so sorry. I have been reading your blog for so long now that I feel like I have lost a friend. Her tiny foot steps are in heaven now..the angels will be enjoying her bark and song. May your heart be blessed and healed. 

  • Pam Seaberg

    So sorry for your loss Anne.  Some hurt more than others do when they pass.  She had such a wonderful life with you.  Thinking of you.  Pam

  • Carole

    So sorry for your lost.  Take care of yourself and your family. It will be a hard transition.  You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Marge

    With heartfelt sympathy on the passing of your sweet little Milkshake.  She is not gone, she is gone on ahead. ❤️

  • Tammy Spencer

    Sorry for your loss. We said goodbye to our Newfoundland of 14 years last August and I still miss her and always will. I was there when she went to doggy heaven and it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. My heart goes out to you for your loss of your sweet doggy Milkshake. 

  • Kim E

    My heart goes out to you. It is such a deep loss to lose a beloved four-legged family member. May you have the peace of knowing your love sustained her and stays connected to her even though she has passed on.

  • Karla

    It’s so hard to lose a pet. They’re so much more. Our Scotty went over the Rainbow Bridge in March. I still expect him to greet me when I come into the house. 
    Hugs and prayers. Karla


    I’m so very, very sorry.  We couldn’t have children, so we have lots of cats who all are truly our kids!   My prayers are with you!

  • Pam in Indiana

    Oh, Anne. My heart breaks for you. My Moselle was like my puppy – but she was a cat. She was also 14 and we lost her to kidney failure, too. Paul was holding her when she died. She was a huge part of my life and was with me constantly. She loved to sleep on my lap when I sewed at my machine or when I was sitting doing handwork. I still miss her terribly and it’s almost a year. I’m sending warm hugs and love to you. Gentle healing prayers even though I know you’ll always miss Milkshake. He was so beautiful and you could see his sweet gentle spirit in his pictures. 💔

  • Gudrun

    Anne, I feel with you :-( :-( :-(
    We must say good bye to our Kira in September 2017. She was 15 Years old and I missed her so often … LG, Gudrun

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