
Milkshake Update

When I look back over the past week, I can’t believe we’ve made it through.

Thursday of last week I took Milkshake back to the vet convinced it was time to say goodbye.  She was so weak, she hadn’t eaten in 4 days, and she could hardly walk.  Our vet said to let her have one more day to see if the new drugs would start working.  By Friday, when I took her back to the vet, I had some hope.  She was a little more alert when the vet came into the room.  We decided to let her go through the weekend.  On Saturday I was desperate for her to eat, so I started giving her chicken broth with a syringe.  Just a little broth throughout the day, not enough to upset her stomach.  Then by Sunday she woke up hungry and she ate some chicken.  Hallelujah the dog ate chicken!  Chelsea’s singing Hallelujah because she got some chicken too.

Throughout the week I’ve been reading all of your wonderful, compassionate comments and knowing you feel the same as I do has been such a help.  I don’t know how much longer we’ll have her, but today she seems to be feeling a little better.  Chelsea and Milkshake are such good friends.   Chelsea’s been doing enough barking at the UPS man for both of them.  She told me it’s the least she can do.

Milkshake & Chelsea
Milkshake & Chelsea

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!



  • Andrea Macy

    I’ve been so busy taking care of my ill sister, it’s only this evening that I came across your blognote about Milkshake. I haven’t seen an update so I’m hoping no news is good news. You may have sent one but having not seen it I will pray your family of peoples and animals are all in good health. And yes, I know how you feel, having lost my childhood dog Rusty (shepherd collie mix) and later, my 3 sons and my black shepherd Cubby – named before he got so big because he looked like a little bear cub. We never transitioned to renaming him Bear…but he was with us for 18 wonderful years. I’m going on and on….but now I have two granddogs…a shepherd (again) and a pomeranian because none of my kids have children yet!! God bless you, Andrea Macy of Nipomo, CA.

  • Dawn

    My house rabbit Muffy developed an abscess in her gum. The vet didn’t think she had long to go as it was that bad. We too syringe fed her , little and often , daily antibiotics ,lots of love. Today at her vet check up he’s amazed at how she is doing. She’s put her weight back on , the abscess has drained. We take a day at a time and treasure her so much. Your in my thoughts Anne and a special prayer for Milkshake. x

  • patty

    Yeah for Milkshake~ Chicken broth is so wonderful. It has something magical about it, we always revert to chicken soup when not feeling well. I feed mine chicken and plain white rice when they are not well. Keeps there bellies full and I know they are getting some nutrients. My Midge looks similar in profile to Milkshake, she is only 9 but acts 90. I keep her snuggled in her sweater to keep her warm during these cold damp days. It can be so gloomy for them too when they can’t get out and run in the sun. Keep warm, Patty

  • JudyCinNC

    When my Brady had a stroke on Friday night, my husband and I had a pj party in the living room with Brady. Being diabetic, Brady had limited snacks he could have, but that weekend we slept in the living room with him and we all ate popcorn, ice cream, yogurt, cookies and anything else he may want and We carried him outside. We just knew we were saying our goodbye to him every hour. Will always remember that weekend with our sweet Brady. JudyC

  • Denise

    My mother-in-law had a kennel of Shelties, and she swore by this recipe for her dogs when sick: sticky rice, scrambled egg, wee touch of cheese, and chopped lamb if available. (They were rural). We use chopped up canadian bacon used for pizza instead of lamb. It is lower in fat, dogs love it. My husband will make up a batch of this and keep it in a plastic container. It the dog needs pills, he will make a ball out of the mixture the size of a very small walnut and offer it in the palm of his hand, dog scarfs it right up. Sometimes a little hot water blended in will warm the mixture and sooth their throat. Then gradually add their hard dog food back into the mixture. Good luck with Milkshake, I will continue to pray for her. They are so much a part of our lives, giving us love so freely!

  • Lisa Smith

    Thank you so much for updating us, Anne. I know you cherish each and every moment with Milkshake, and she knows how much she is loved by you and Chelsea. I believe the power of love can truly work miracles in these situations.

  • Judy

    So many of us have been where you have been. Thank God for your compassionate vet! We will all continue to pray for Milkshake’s continued improvement and more time with the family.

    Our loyal dog, Shadow, was experiencing difficulty getting up and lethargy. Our vet put him on a regimen of weekly, then monthly, shots for arthritis (he also has hip dysplasia). Shadow is receiving pain meds, too, and he’s so much improved. We are grateful that he will be with us a while longer.

    We love our babies, don’t we…

  • Hildy

    Glad to hear that Milkshake is feeling better. It reminds my of one of my mum’s friends she’s 92 yo now and has her ups and downs but so far she always bounces back. Hope your Milkshake like my mum’s friend keeps bouncing back for a whole while longer.

  • Julie Zaloudek

    Thank you for the update. I’ve been afraid to check. I know how stressful this all is but each bite of chicken is a victory and each day is special and matters. Hugs to you,Milkshake and Chelsea.

  • Lea Kagel

    Dearest Anne,
    Even the gift of one more week or day is a blessing. Hope is a precious and dear gift allowing us to cope with what we are dealing with now and prepare us for what is to come because when we know hope comes from a loving Father in Heaven, then we know He is aware of us on a very personal level, that we are not alone.

    I am so happy to hear you have Milkshake eating a bit more. Mothers love their babies to eat! You have been so wonderful and nurturing, Anne. Always believe in miracles! My prayers will continue :)

    Big hugs to you, sweetie!

  • mimi'sdarlins

    So glad to hear this, Anne! These little animals can surprise us with their resilience sometimes. Milkshake is obviously not ready to say goodbye just yet, and I’m so glad that she’s been given another chance. Love and Hugs….

  • Pam S

    Milkshake and you and your family are in my prayers. I’m so happy to hear she is doing better. Pets are our babies. People who don’t have pets don’t understand that love. I cherish every day with my fur baby!

  • Nancy

    So happy to hear Milkshake is rallying. Our Kamikaze has been so ill we thought it was the end several times. She has an enlarged heart. I realized she could not eat dry food because her esophagus was too narrow. Now I feed her canned food and homemade chicken and broth. She eats great now. It’s hard because they can’t tell us what they need.

  • Ginger

    So glad she is perking up. You feel so helpless and your heart just aches to watch them and not be able to do anything. Keep up the love and spirits for her, she knows how much she is loved.

  • Penny Holliday

    Such a difficult situation for your family, Anne! I’m keeping all of you in my prayers & wish the best for Milkshake. Sending hugs to all of you!

  • Sue Chapman

    I’m so glad that your little Milkshake has shown an upturn in her condition! There’s something so special about our little furries that regardless of their condition we pray for them and try to find a way to help them have the very best quality of life possible.

  • Tina

    I’m so very sorry to read this about Milkshake. My heart breaks for you and your family. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Gloria Chandler

    I will keep Milkshake in my prayers. It is so hard to lose one of our babies. We are going through the same thing. We have a 25 year old diabetic cat that has also stopped eating. We know he will not be with us much longer, but we spend all our time coaxing him to eat and drink. I sleep with him on the sofa every night. I just feel I need to be close just in case he needs me. We will certainly add your sweet baby to our nightly prayers.

  • Beth Reil k y

    Your love for your pets warms my soul! We feel the same way about our kitties. Prayers that sweet little Milkshake keeps eating and gets stronger each day. She is in the best hands possible! Hugs!

  • Bonnie Lindsey

    What good news! Thank you so much for the update as I have been praying for Milkshake and your family, Anne. Although, I am still mourning the loss of my kitty, Sissy, I totally know your heartbreak. Each day with our furry friends is such a gift and I know you know that. You have been a blessing in Milkshakes life and she in yours. Hugs.

  • Debra Graham

    You are such a kind soul and an obvious animal lover. Me Too! I will pray for yours little Pup. Hoping her days are happy ones.

  • Judy lawrance

    We are going through the same sort of thing with our old cat, Lolly. The last two trips to the vet we thought were going to be the “last ride.” But she perks up a bit and we are still watching… every
    Morning I listen for her “meow” to say good morning… so please know there is one more person thinking of you and hoping we both make the right choice for our beloved pets….

    Judy in tallahassee fla

  • Mary T Salmon

    I would not wish your pain on my worst enemy. your sweetheart has given you
    so much love over the years. My love to you as
    you enjoy Milkshake to the fullest.

  • Pam in Indiana

    Oh, Anne. I’m keeping Milkshake in my prayers. I’m hoping she’ll continue to gain strength. My dear cat, Moselle, was very sick last summer — she’s 14. They did all the tests and couldn’t come up with anything other than an irritable bowel. I was prepared for her passing. The vet recommended human probiotics and I resisted. I finally bought them and believe it or not, she’s getting better and gaining weight! So miracles do happen and I’m praying for one for your sweet baby. Love and hugs to you both!

  • Kathleen O'Grady

    Such wonderful news! So happy for you and Milkshake. I get so angry at the drug companies for always pushing drugs but I will say that this time it is a good thing. I hope you have many more loving days with your sweet dog.

  • Barbara Macey


    AS others who’ve been in your situation, my heart breaks for You.

    I’ve only just returned from the lake where I walk 2 miles; it is such a soothing & relaxing venue, hard walking is done before I know it.
    Today a high school coach came onto the track behind me & I stopped because I thought he had asked me something. As I waited & saw his face I realized he was crying, in fact he was sobbing. Their adopted Rottweiler became ill a month ago & rather than having “Sampson” endure all sorts of testing (he was a 12 yro), they agreed to let him go. Anne, to see a big, football looking jock, sobbing his heart out was somehow reassuring because no matter who we are we all love our pets & it is a Family member who leaves us. Our family has said goodbye to too many but we always add another in our lives for the joy they give & allow us to share our deepest love & emotions. Take good care of all of each other & know that all of us share your plight.

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