
My Funny Valentine

My mommy made me dress up,
for Valentine’s day today. 
I really didn’t want to,
but she made me anyway.

My tutu’s tight, the bows bug me,
and who knows about my crown,
I feel like a dog gone wrong
I may never live this down.

If Valentine’s Day was for the dogs,
I’d always get a treat,
and I wouldn’t have to dress up
or try and look so sweet.

But then I heard about my friends,
so at least I’m not alone,
their mommies made them dress up too,
I can almost hear them groan. 

I don’t think I can stand here
much longer for today
so take a peek at Bella,
and maybe Gibby wants to play.

And then come back to visit,
or you’ll miss my treat today.
I put some things together,
for a special give away!

Just leave a comment and tell me,
that you think I’m really cute,
and maybe I will pick your name
on Wednesday for the loot!

And here’s the loot;  one of you will win a box of See’s Candy (assorted yummy chocolates) along with a bundle of Moda Bella fat quarters,  16 total!  

We’ll be back on Wednesday to announce a winner so you know what to do!   Have a doggone good day everyone!  Bella and Gibby are having a give away too! 


Anne  Chelsea


  • SheilaC

    OH Chelsea!!! You may feel silly, but you look adorable!!! And moms only dresses you that way because she loves you lots and lots!!

    Happy Valentines Day!


  • Wendy in Montana

    Chelsea … you are too cute for words, though I love the words put together to tell us your story! Great work and happy Valentines day!

  • Kathy

    Chelsea, you are a great sport to wear your Valentine finery. My dog Bailey will only consent to wear a Santa hat once a year, and she does that grudgingly. Please pick my name for the drawing!


  • Nancy in Arizona

    Dear Chelsea,
    Would you be my Valentine, oh the fun we would have, we will be dressed so fine, come away with me for a while, we will both sit in the park and smile, bring your Mom (Anne), and a quilt or two, lunch for three will be just the thing to do.
    Thank you for the cute pictures of your sweet Chelsea and the opportunity to will a prize. Can’t wait to see what is next!

  • Rachel

    Oh Chelsea, you do look SO cute! I wish I’d thought to make a little tutu for my Abby. I’m sure your mommy will give you a Valentine’s treat. You deserve it for being so patient and posing so nicely for photos in your sweet outfit ♥

  • Margaret Burroughs

    Well I do have to say you are just the cutest dog I have seen today. I do have to say I haven’t seen any other dogs dressed for the holiday.

  • Patricia Droste

    I think Chelsea really loves the attention, even if she had to get all dressed up to get it.

    I’d love to win the loot!

  • Michele

    Poor Little Chelsea!
    What is to be done?

    A funny little outfit
    Just for us to adore.

    Happy Valentine wishes
    With love galore!


  • Helen

    Poor Chelsea! She looks awfully cute, but maybe too much Valentine’s outfit? Like maybe she would be happy without the hat and bows on her legs? We had a Chihuahua mix who just loved to wear a little pink party dress. She would dance around when we put it on. Or at least we thought she loved it. Hmmmm.

    Anyway, happy Valentine’s Chelsea and I hope you get a nice little Valentine treat. Just one. You know you will have another weigh-in soon.

  • Elaine

    Our dogs so love us! Our Lab was frequently outfitted with a baby bonnet and given a bottle :-) Our poodle always like to look sharp and had her own ‘bad hair day’ baseball cap to cover up!
    Chelsea is a great dog! Thanks for the Valentine sweetness, Anne.

  • Tressa

    I must say Chelsea that my girls love your outfit/ensemble. My middle girl was so excited to see what you were wearing because last night she drew a dog for her Nona that looks like you wearing a cute skirt. You’ve made her day wearing that skirt because her drawing looks like you and your skirt. Maybe I’ll take a picture of her drawing before it goes in the mail so that you will know that little girls love to dress up their pets even if it’s only in their imaginations. Thanks for putting smiles on our faces.

  • Ruth B

    My dear Chelsea, You are a stunning beauty dressed up in all your finery. You look like a beautiful princess! I hope you are going to be given lavish compliments today and that you will be treated like the diva you are. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos with us…your humble admirers.

  • Lisa Nicholas

    My heart goes out to you chelsea. A perfect valentine! My dogs are wearing sweaters and boots since we are under a deep blanket of snow. If I win I will make them spring time jackets with those soft and lush colors!

  • Diane

    Now, Chelsea, you know Mommy has your best interests at heart. Ballet is an excellent aerobic exercise — good for the waistline. You won’t have to have those embarrassing weigh ins! Besides, you are just too cute in that tutu — you’re an inspiration to us all!

  • Koye Hendrix

    You are so cute and so patient to put up with all that. Bet you make your Momma so proud. Thank you for being such a good sport–you really are adorable. Koye

  • Sandy Allen

    You are ADORABLE and such a good sport to put up with all your mam does to you. I am currently “pet” free, but used to try and dress up my Scottie, Mitzi. She would not move once I put something on her, so you are extra special!

    Sandy A in SNOWY St. Louis

  • Melinda

    Oh Chelsea – you are so cute. My little chihuaha, Chula, says she is glad it is you dressed up and not her. I love See’s candy. It is one of the things I miss since moving away from California.

  • Donna Caldwell

    Dear Chelsea, You are such a cute sweet puppy. Do not get discourage with your slight weight issue. It is the winter months and humans have the same problem..once warmer weather comes you can get out and run and play and the weight goes. For now let Anne dress you up and nobody will notice…Donna

  • Mary Ann

    Pink is just your color Chelsea…my bulldog Spike says you look adorable and is glad he doesn’t have to play dress up today!

  • Bobbie BentNeedle

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Chelsea is lovely
    and Moda Bellas are too!

    Seriously, I guess I need to quit reading blogs and start on-line shopping. I hadn’t even heard of these and they ARE gorgeous from the looks of your bundle!

  • Sandy K

    Chelsea did not show her pretty smile in her pictures. Maybe after a few Valentine doggy treats we can see that prize winning smile.
    Hugs and kisses Chelsea

  • Cory

    Chelsea, You look adorable. Hopefully you didn’t have to wear the tutu very long.:-) Thank you Annie for the wonderful give-away. Take care and God bless, Cory

  • May Britt

    You look so cute, and you really deserves a lot of goodies this valentine after mom dressing you up like this. My little Frida cat got her favorites today so she is smiling from ear to ear. I would love taste those candies and have those beutiful fabrics.

  • B J

    I would dress up in a tutu if it meant winning some See’s Choclates (yum yum) AND some wonderful fabrics! LOL
    Love your dog and your poem — always enjoy your blogs.
    Happy Valentine’s Day

  • Lynn S

    Chelsea you are such a cutie all year long. You are being a good girl having you picture taken. So nice of you to give away that yummy See’s candy so you can continue to wear that cute little skirt.

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