
The Weigh-In

The weigh-in is tomorrow.  No, not for me, for her…

Chelsea has a weigh-in at the vet tomorrow, and we start preparing for it a week in advance. It’s kind of like Weight Watchers. You know the weigh-in is coming,  so you cut back for a few days.  I hope the bow doesn’t add ounces to the scale.  She’s wearing it, because who can resist a plump Chihuahua in a bow?  Helps hide the rolls around the collar. 

I can tell she hasn’t lost any weight. She feels heavy when I pick her up, and well, she looks heavy too.  I’m going to make my husband take her for the weigh-in.  He’ll get in trouble and he’ll turn around and blame me.  It’s worth it not to have to go. 

And then today, in the mail came the solution to Chelsea’s problem. I just couldn’t believe it when I opened the “In The Company of Dogs” catalog!  Apparently I’m not alone with this problem.  Just look at this!

Hummm…maybe a doggie gym is in order.  Will someone local please open one so I can drop her off for an hour every day?  Can’t you picture it?  Little rooms, each with a treadmill, workout equipment, bowls of water and a TV playing Lassie?  I’d even pay a membership fee.




  • joan

    We aquired a retired show dog-a Shar Pei. Her name was Dawn, but we called her Delta Burke–kind of the beauty queen who let her self go. I was told she had to lose weight and we tried putting her on a diet, but she used to trick the other dog into going to the door like someone was coming, and then she’d eat that food too. Anyways, took her to the vet to get weighed and it seemed she did, until the vet and I noticed she keep one foot on the floor (only 3 on the scale).

    ps–I always get caught when I try it at the Dr’s too!!!

  • Peg Gilham

    Pretty in pink! My adorable maltipoo would remove my hand if
    I tried to do that! I got the dog with attitude. He stares at me and sneezes when it is time for me to start dinner and when it is time for his teaspoon of ice cream. 4:15 daily. If service isn’t prompt, the barking begins. Have to laugh at his internal clock!

  • Libby

    Chelsea is just to cute with the bow………My little bit over weight Chihuahua lived to be 19 years old and had a wonderful life. Hope all goes well with the vet….Personally, I think “love” keeps them going.

  • Sue

    Do we dare ask how the weigh-in went? Hope your husband did not get into too much trouble with the vet and that the vet loved Chelsea’s bow.

  • Christine

    Anne, you are too funny!
    I love Chelsea’s big bow. I too have a chubby Chihauhau.
    I figure that they are a lot like women after menopause…the pounds just rudely come on.
    Hope the vet won’t be too harsh.

  • SheilaC

    I can sympathize with poor Chelsea! I hate the weigh in at the doctors as well!

    And aren’t you supposed to take off >everything< before you even think about stepping on the scale for maximum "light-ness"?? I thought that was an unwritten rule?? hehe

    That treadmill is too funny!!

    Good luck

  • Nichole Wade

    Now you know that she is perfect the way she is! I know they are fussing over it…hmmmm…maybe we need some diet treats or something? Try some carrot sticks maybe? Poor baby, I know all about trying to hide fat rolls! :) Nichole

  • Bev

    Lola has the same issue. Charlie is thin and Lola is “big boned”. They are like a little shih tzu version of Jack Sprat and his wife! Here’s what I deal with:

    Charlie: “I can’t eat all this!”

    Lola: “Say, if you’re not going to finish that….”

    I dread taking her to the vet too..I always get scolded..sigh..

  • Mary F

    I have a chihuahua who will eat her food then help with our retreiver mixes food too. She packed on some pounds. We discovered she likes cooked carrots. I add them to her dish to slow her down. She has actually lost some weight and looks pretty good! We no longer fear the Vet scale….

  • Lisa

    I’d love ones of those for my girl! She’s a chihuahua/jack russell mix and she could really use one. She’s got those rolls around the collar. Mabye she needs a bow to hide them too:-)

  • kay

    re Jean C’s comment ‘how they got the dog to get up on the treadmill in the first place’:they offered doggie treats!!

    Amazing that there is an assoc for pet obesity prevention. We are certainly so blessed to live in a country where we can create such problems for ourselves and our pets. Let’s celebrate with a low fat, low sugar treat from the pink fridge …. smile.

  • Stephanie

    At least Chelsea doesn’t have to care about her weight!!! She won’t be the one scolded. :o) I think the pink bow will help ease the scolding. Good thing to send Mr. Bunny Tales.

  • Sue

    I hate weigh ins whether its for me or my dog, Toby. Toby has been gaining steadily in spite of all the walks we take-poor guy. However, it doesn’t help when all the other dog owners and walkers give him doggie treats. And, he is not one to say no! Sigh. I do keep cutting back on his food but those rolls just won’t go away. He DID lose a pound though recently. Hoping he keeps losing as I hate the lectures from the vet.

    Chelsea is so cute. Hope the bow helps when she goes to the vet.

  • annie

    SEW talented and SOOOO funny… are just the best. I had my morning giggle with my coffee cup in hand. Dangerously close to spilling when I was laughing so hard.
    Good luck Chelsea, and just so she feels some empathy, I DO feel your pain!!!

  • Ronda

    chelsea is beautiful just the way she is. If you get her a tread mill she will probably do what I do with mine. hang my clothes on it. Your beautiful Chelsea !

  • Jean C.

    Maybe that’s the problem!!!! Gabi just nailed it!!! Chelsea has been getting into the little pink fridge! Guess you need to keep more fruit/vegs in it instead of the doggie treats! I want to know how in the world they got the dog to get up on the treadmill in the first place? Our 4 legged friend would look at me like…. “Are you serious?
    Enjoy the day… and hopefully the scolding won’t be too bad!
    I’m thinking a brighter bow might help! Distraction is our friend!

  • Diane

    You crack me up, Anne — now I’ve seen everything. A doggie treadmill — that’s the ultimate! BTW, your blog is looking awesome.

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