Pets,  Photography

Why I Love My Cat

It’s early in the morning: the sun hasn’t come up, just a desk light on next to my computer.  The studio is quiet. I’m checking emails and catching up on things left undone from the night before. I suddenly realize my sweet cat, with the awful name (Mooch) has come to keep me company. 

She’s been there for awhile, before I really become aware of her.  She’s made her bed on a notepad and pen next to my computer.   

I grab my camera, sitting there on my desk, and I capture the moment without waking her!  She opens one eye and then closes it right away as if to say, “Oh, you’re still here? Good, I’m going back to sleep”. 

She’s the best of company in the early morning hours and one I sometimes take for granted. It’s amazing to me how animals become a part of us. Who else would stay by me while I work away, content just to be there?

She was desperate when we found her.  She’d lived over a year in my son’s neighborhood, sneaking into garbage cans, through dog doors, always trying to find food. She could be seen on a fence occasionally, or in a tree, but she kept her distance.

Sometimes when my daughter-in-law came downstairs in the morning, there would be the cat on the kitchen counter.  Both would be startled to see each other and the cat would run out through the dog door.  They have three large dogs, so the cat was very brave to enter!

The neighbors were complaining, she was knocking over garbage cans and there was talk among the other neighbors of “doing” something to get rid of her.

And then one quiet afternoon it happened.  She walked right up to my daughter-in-law who was sitting outside, as if to say, “I really need help”.  A gentle hand, a desperate cat, and a little kindness worked a miracle.

I think it was meant to be.  She became my cat.  Here she sits, quietly content, the best of company!  She’s friends with Chelsea and Bistsy, always by their side too.

The sun is coming up, and she’s waking up too. “It’s time to start the day” she says.  To think I’m the lucky owner of such a wonderful cat.

Mooch.  What an awful name.  What a wonderful cat!  I call her Mucho Dinero, or Muchas Gracias for short. More fitting don’t you think? 

Have a great weekend everyone!  Hug your cat if you have one!




  • Mary

    Keep the name, Mooch, love it!
    No animals here anymore, so enjoy reading others stories.

    Love the designs, keep them coming.

  • Louise

    Hi Anne,
    I too have been privilaged to have been adopted by 2 cats over the years. Tiger is gone now but she was a funny & loving girl. Now I have Kitty, who adopted me 12 1/2 years ago. She had belonged to someone as she wasn’t totally feral & had already been fixed. It took her awhile to warm up to the idea of coming in from the cold. I fixed her up with a bed, heatlamp, litter box, & a water bowl that wouldn’t freeze in our cold, snowey winters. Fresh food convinced her to at least stay in the garage at night. I also told her I’d done these things for her & would be her personal comode slave forever & I swear she understood every word & agreed to come in. She & I still talk to this day. She’s a housecat now, about 15 yrs old & follows me everywhere. She’s also got along with 2 different dogs, 1 of which I still have. My sweet furry family!

  • Kathleen

    I so love the pictures and stories on Mooch. My own cat is annoyed with me that I’ve had quilt work on my lap lately instead of her. I make sure I cover myself in a quilt while I watch TV at night so she can curl up on me and stay warm this winter. Must be like her own personal heated pillow.

  • Judy

    I love reading about rescued cats as we have two of them, one whose story is similar to Mooch. Her name is Mocha and the other is Ginger. Love your snowmen blocks too! Thanks!

  • Barbara

    What a pretty girl and I have to say I am biased because she looks just like my Lola. It does seem that she was so lucky to find you – and you her of course. My girl likes to sleep close by too, preferably on the newspaper when I’m reading it. By the way, thanks so much for the new block of the month. I’m about half way through the last one in redwork and hope to see it completed this year before I start with these fab snowmen. Bx

  • Kernow Quilter

    Oh Anne, isn’t she beautiful and isn’t she lucky to have found such a loving home. I’m sew glad she gets on well with Chelsea and Bitsy. Love the name you’ve given this gorgeous creature as well, so appropriate.

  • mimi'sdarlins

    Anne, your story is so touching and special! This was my first opportunity to sit and read, even though I was tempted when I first saw the photo of your darling cat a couple days ago. Thanks for rescuing her, as she so needed rescuing! You both clearly benefited by this ‘collaboration’ :-)

  • Nichole Wade

    How very sweet…we’ve got three kitties, and we love them dearly. People think that we are nuts for having so many animals, but they are of great comfort and companionship to us. We have three dogs, three cats, three rabbits, four goats, a donkey, a horse, a goose and about 30+ chickens. Some rescued from bad situations…some we got from good places.Quite a menagerie on our small farm, wouldn’t trade this life with my family or them for a moment. Nichole

  • Suz Kuhns

    What a sweet story Ann. I have 2 cats. Our older girl came from a farm, but our younger girl I consider a rescue cat because her Mom’s owners didn’t believe in getting Mom fixed, so she had litter after litter. GT was horrible when we first got her-literally bouncing off walls…and we heard that other people who got cats from that litter were having the same problem but either gave the cats back or to shelters. After we got GT fixed, she mellowed out and is an amazing, loving cat who thinks my son walks on water.

  • Mirabilys

    I totally agree with you… I always had cats… and they were all “survivors”. When I settled in Paris, I’ve found my first one in the garbage, she was a poor two months old kitten thrown in the garbage and crying inside a box (how can people do that?) She became a princess and we kept her 17 years… now Lucille is over the rainbow. Then we have moved in Champagne and guess what, we have now three cats: one boy (Gizmo) and two girls (Violette and Vanille), all are “survivors” we have saved. They are so nice and friendly, there is something special in their eyes when they are looking at us. They always are by our side. We loved them so much!
    Have a nice day Ann!

  • Jen in NY

    Anne, I have so enjoyed reading about Mooch on your blog. I remember you rescued her and I am just soooo glad for that sweet little cat. She seems like such a doll. I have two rescue cats too that I love to pieces. It sounds like it was meant to be with you and Mooch!

  • Marcia

    Your cat is just like ours. She chose us, not the other way around. I did a post a few weeks back about finding her in the large container of stuffed animals we keep in our garage. The kids rotate their animals so we don’t have so many in the house. Lucky, we live in place that doesn’t have fleas. Your cat looks alot like one of her kittens. She chose us when she came here to give birth.

  • Kim D.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful story about Mooch. We’ve rescued several cats and dogs over the years and found their owners or new homes. I have two maltese dogs and I’ll kiss them today. The youngest one is my quilt inspector and always comes and sleeps in my studio while I’m sewing.

  • Janelle J

    Thank you so much for your story and for adopting Mooch. There are so many animals that need good homes! Mine love to help – testing new quilts, rearrange blocks, help with binding…

  • Anna

    When we lived in California we had barn cats, they would never let you get near them but every morning would be waiting for breakfast. I am deathly allergic to cats…I think it is natures way of controlling me…cause I would be one of those cat ladies with 20 of them…for me, just one chocolate brown standard poodle who likes to lie in my quilting room while I piece.

  • Melody

    What a beautiful post and lovely comments from fellow animal lovers. I’ve always taken in stray animals and they have returned my love a thousand times over, I’ve now got four adorable little dogs and I will give each a hug before they snuggle into bed with me and my husband. I really love the pictures and stories about your pets – thanks for sharing them

  • SheilaC

    What a sweet story about Mooch! All my cats are rescue cats and while they may be grateful for their rescue, I am grateful to have their love in my life.

    They say cats are independent, aloof, etc…. but my cats always know when I need that extra snuggle when I am feeling blue.

    Thanks for sharing,

  • KatieQ

    Mooch reminds me of my late kitty Petunia who would keep me company when I sewed or played on my lap top. Thank you for sharing the story of your sweet kitty. It was mooch appreciated. Sorry I couldn’t resist.

  • Tina

    I, too, love Mooch’s story of how she found such a great forever home! We were fortunate enough to be adopted by our little Daisy cat about a year or so ago when she was only about two months old. Her back foot had been severely damaged by some horrible person so that the pad and toes curled under and she had to “walk” on the top part of her foot. After we had her for about three weeks it was clear that the nerves were permanently damaged and she had to have the leg amputated. Today, Daisy charges around the house, up and down the stairs, chasing the my other cat (he loves it!) and she is the most delightful cat ever! She never fails to bring me such joy every day and a smile to my heart.

  • wendy

    Your story has touched my heart. I adopted a 3 year old cat last summer, she was not wanted by 3 different owners and spent a year in the shelter. Now she has warmed up to us and races me up and down the stairs. She cuddles at night but still won’t sit on my lap. Only time will tell.

  • cheryl in kansas

    Oh Anne..I am sitting here with tears in my eyes over your story. There is a stray cat that has been hanging around our yard for some months. I started feeding it in December and when it got sooo bitter cold here (negative numbers) …but the cat is still very shy and runs off when it sees me. I keep hoping it will eventually warm up to me…I worry when it gets so cold and snowy and we are forecast for another bout of snow and cold tomorrow…so another few days of worrying. At least I know it is eating regularly as the food is gone daily!!!

  • D Seals

    Our older male and female dog were dumped at work. They finally trusted us and came to our home. Our cat was dumped in our neighborhood. Our newest members are two dogs that showed up after a hurricane. No one ever claimed them and I was too scared to take them to SPCA for fear they would be separated or put to sleep. People tell us we are such good people for taking them in. Boy, do they have it wrong. Each day our lives have been enriched by these gentle, loving animals. They make us smile, laugh, and love. They make us be better people.

  • Piecefully, Pam

    Isn’t it amazing how the pet chooses us…and aren’t WE the lucky ones?! On days like today (27 inches of snow!) I tell our cat that I love her MORE than the dog…she doesn’t require a walk or three! ; ) Your photos of Mooch are lovely and seem to capture her essence. Purrrrfect!

  • Sue-Anne

    Beautiful photos and such a lovely story. I am so pleased she was saved before something bad happened to her. We have a cat that “adopted” us. I feel very humbled that she chose us.

  • Elizabeth

    I think cats are the loveliest of God’s creatures. Our cat died recently and once the grieving process is over, we will get another sweet companion. I love the story of how you got your kitty.

  • Rachel D.

    What a wonderful post, Anne and what a wonderful cat you have: lucky you. I’ve had a cat since 16 years ago and a cannot imagine life without one (at least: we have 3 at home). They are such a company during happy and sad moments. And like you said: I’ll hug them all.

  • Mickie

    I think that animals who have been rescued have a special appreciation for us and often a special gift to share. Your story touches me so much. Our youngest animal is a rescue dog; he was close to death with pneumonia when we got him. Our vet still can’t believe he made it! Now he is a therapy dog and brings gentle love to many the elderly and the sick. Hugs to you and Mucho Amore :)

  • Kim Schaefer

    Your story has done my heart a world of good, Anne. I’m the “cat lady” who took the Yoyo-ville class in December. I’m compulsively making yoyo-s between planning our Febraury Tri-Valley Fix our Ferals clinic where we hope to spay another 80 or so cats. It is stories like yours a Mooch’s and pictures of such a wonderful cat who knows what it is like to go from struggling to survive to what life is now, that keep me going. Thank you for your story and making such a warm and wonderful life for Mooch!!

  • Jan

    What a great story! And what a resourceful cat, when she was ‘on her own!’ Sometimes I look at my kitties and marvel at how I love having them with me, but how I would have quite a different reaction if other animals (a squirrel or possum,say) decided to come inside!

  • edyB

    Love the cat tale … the cats in our life have always “found” us … that’s the best way!
    BTW the photos of Mooch are wonderful!

  • AnnieO

    Great story! My constant companion cat, Mini, started out as my younger daughter’s kitten that she rescued from some girls at the mall who didn’t sell two kittens and were going to “let them go” outside. Mini soon adopted me as her owner. She follows me around the house and likes to sleep on a quilt on my side of the bed (never on hubby’s side!). In my former sewing area downstairs, she could always be found under the ironing board…in my new sewing room she curls up in a box near an extra chair. Yesterday, on our rainy Friday, my sewing room guests were both cats and the dog. I am well supervised.

  • Diane

    You’re going to get lots of pet stories with this post, Anne, from all your pet lovers. My daughter, who lives in Washington state, got up early the other (very cold) morning and found her darling kitty contentedly nestled between their two big labs, her little head just peeking out. Too bad she didn’t have her camera!

  • Robin Gold

    Hi Anne, What a lovely story! It is amazing how much love these animals have to give. We currently have 2 cats, who were both feral but wanted to become house cats, and we care for several other feral cats outside. Our town is overrun with feral cats, and all the shelters are full, so we do the best we can. We recently found a home for two of the kittens, so I’m grateful for that. The mother of our little girl cat has started coming inside. She won’t let us touch her, but she wants food, and lately, she’s been spending nights inside, too. I figure at least that way, she can’t be getting pregnant again! Robin

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