• Lucy’s Stitched Hugs

    There’s a 10-year-old girl in Washington who’s touching so many people with her kindness and generosity I thought you might enjoy reading about her.  Her name is Lucy and she calls her project Lucy’s Stitched Hugs.  Lucy’s mom recently wrote to me to tell me about Lucy: “My daughter Lucy is a girl with a big idea and an even…

  • Jelly Beans in red, white and blue

    Celebrate Memorial Day with my Jelly Beans sheep in red and blue! It’s my Jelly Beans Mini Quilt using red, white and blue Cottontail Cottage fabrics. Wouldn’t it be fun to make this mini quilt to celebrate every USA holiday? (Get more creative and piece the center sheep in red and blue strips before you applique, then put your favorite…

  • Foxly goes to market

    Foxly is ready to travel to quilt market with me!  He’s my newest petite, and he’s so excited to be going to Quilt Market he’s invited a lot of friends along for the trip. Just look at this motley crew of friends!  Really Foxly? Our Foxly pattern will be ready to ship as soon as I get back from market next…

  • Chelsea and the red chair

    The one thing I wasn’t prepared for after losing Milkshake was how it would affect my Chelsea dog.  It’s been hard to watch.  She’s depressed,  I have no doubt about it.  On our walks to the park, she just sniffs the air and looks around.  I know she’s looking for her friend.  The vet told me it could take as long as…

  • Milkshake Sutton

    We said goodbye to Milkshake today.  She died in my arms, wrapped in a soft blanket.  She was 14 1/2 and had congestive heart failure, although, in the end, it wasn’t her heart that got her, it was kidney failure. She defied the cardiologist when he told her she had 4 months to live in June of, 2015.  I know she…

  • Put 101 Maple Street on your calendar for August

    Tomorrow (May 1)  is the last day to pre-order your 101 Maple Street quilt kit!  I have to get kit orders into Moda, and of course, I’ll order some extra, but there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to get one if you don’t pre-order. Join in the fun of making this quilt, and you’ll get to meet Quilly and her babies. …