• Fat Quarter Bundle Country Christmas

    Emerging from the bat cave

    I’ve announced the winners at the bottom of this post.  Thank you to everyone who left me a comment! I’m emerging from the “Bat Cave” once again, able to catch my breath and get back to blog posting.  For the last three weeks, I’ve been in “design mode”.  My friends know not to text me, call me or drop by during this design process because I’m not good company.  If you haven’t read about my pattern design process you can read about it here.  Nothing changes about this process except the deadlines and what I snack on. I have a “pre-market” fabric line this time so my deadline was today…

  • Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year, everyone!  Are you excited for what most of us think of as a new beginning?  There are so many things I want to accomplish this year, and I’ve made a list, so I don’t forget any of them.  Remember last year when Marie Condo was the new thing?  Well, I’m still working on de-cluttering my closets, drawers, etc. so I guess she’ll be around in 2020 with me.  My pantry alone could take me a couple of days.  I need to take everything out and go from there.  Do you have any great ideas on how to organize a pantry?  Have you done yours lately, or do…

  • Updates and tidbits

    It’s time for some updates and tidbits! Snow Happy Hearts, Eleven and Twelve My last two ornaments are ready for you!  If you’ve been sewing along, you’ll have a set of twelve after you finish!  You’ll find the pattern for each one under “FREE” on my blog and website.  If you haven’t started yet, there’s still time!  My assistant Sue has included a full set of patterns so you can print them all at one time.  Just scroll down to the bottom of the Snow Happy Ornaments page (under FREE), and you’ll see the link.   Moda, Mix-It-Up Blog Hop The Moda Designers have a blog hop that starts today! …

  • Lucy’s Stitched Hugs

    There’s a 10-year-old girl in Washington who’s touching so many people with her kindness and generosity I thought you might enjoy reading about her.  Her name is Lucy and she calls her project Lucy’s Stitched Hugs.  Lucy’s mom recently wrote to me to tell me about Lucy: “My daughter Lucy is a girl with a big idea and an even bigger heart.  Last year when she was just 9 years old she started a project she calls “Lucy’s Stitched Hugs”. She made 105 quilts, 54 stuffed animals, and 30 large pocket pillows!  All of these were donated to a local organization that helps homeless families attain housing and stability.  As…

  • New Year’s Day Winners

    I thought Chelsea would join me tonight to announce the winners, but she’s been sleeping for most of the day. She had good intentions, I know she did.  I read her some of your comments last night as we watched the ball drop in New York (that would be 9PM California time), and we all went to bed right after that.  Seems her night’s sleep was disrupted by very loud fireworks right around midnight.  It scared her and Milkshake so much it took me over an hour just to calm them down.  It sounded like a war zone here! While Chelsea caught up on her beauty sleep today I read each…

  • Make a List for 2018!

    Chelsea and I each made a bucket list back in 2011, and I found a copy of it today.  Six years later and we haven’t completed much on our list.  Chelsea’s still waiting for her pink convertible, and I’m still trying to organize my photos. The beautiful thing about this list is that it’s New Year’s Eve and we have another full year to complete it!  I told her I think we need to review and set more realistic goals for 2018.  She keeps reminding me that she’s getting older and wants to update her list with things like a fluffy new bed. She’s been lounging around today watching me fill…