• What’s On Your Wall?

    What’s on the wall in your sewing room?  Do you have an inspiration board, or a place to put all the pictures and things that inspire you?  I’m inspired by so many things; some you’ll find on my wall… Here at Bunny Hill I have inspiration walls,  inspiration boards,  inspiration books, inspiration binders, and inspiration drawers.   I remember reading years ago that Martha Stewart keeps file cabinets filled with things that inspire her.  To think that she clips things out of magazines too!  Amazing! My journals are the simple black ones you can buy at any art store.  They have plain pages just waiting to be filled.  I keep a supply…

  • Pink Knit Socks

    These socks belong to me! They were hand knit by my assistant Brigette and she gave them to me!  Brigette’s been working on them for weeks.  She knits every chance she gets, even standing in line at the DMV. Lots of people wanted these socks.  Some even offered to pay her to knit them a pair.  She thought about the time it took and decided these are worth about $4000.   Hopefully she’ll get faster as she goes along. People who don’t knit, sew, crochet etc.  have no idea how long it takes to create these wonderful handmade things!  Think of the hours we spend quilting, knitting, embroidering, appliquéing etc.  We do it for the love of the craft, because if…

  • Start of Something New

    Post update:  Everyone is asking about Chelsea’s big weigh-in.  She gained 2 ounces, hubby got the lecture, and Chelsea was all happy because she got attention from everyone at the vet.  She was supposed to have lost 4 ounces.  I would have settled for her staying the same!  I’m taking her Valentine dog treats back to the store. Ok, now onto the post… I love this part of designing;  fresh fabrics on the work table and the start of some new!  I’ve sketched out my new quilt on graph paper, the drawings are in the works, and now I get to play… …play with this wonderful fabric from Moda!  “Fresh Cottons” & “Martinique”,  the combination…