Books,  Other Nice Things

New Year’s Day Winners

I thought Chelsea would join me tonight to announce the winners, but she’s been sleeping for most of the day. She had good intentions, I know she did.  I read her some of your comments last night as we watched the ball drop in New York (that would be 9PM California time), and we all went to bed right after that.  Seems her night’s sleep was disrupted by very loud fireworks right around midnight.  It scared her and Milkshake so much it took me over an hour just to calm them down.  It sounded like a war zone here!

While Chelsea caught up on her beauty sleep today I read each and every one of your comments.  This was a wonderful group of comments!  So many of you don’t like the idea of a list, but I have to admit I do.  I use something called dot journaling or bullet journaling and I love it.  It’s helped me remember all the things that I have to do and it’s my main way of staying organized.  There are books on how to do this and part of the fun is writing in a pretty journal with beautiful pens.  You can find the book and the journals on Amazon.


Out of all your comments, I only read one that had anything to do with bullet journaling.  She’s one of our winners tonight.


1  Shelley

I have never done a yearly bucket list but last year I started bullet journaling and I had a monthly bucket list of simple pleasures…try a new recipe, go to a new restaurant, go someplace new (museum, shop, etc), and call/visit/write an old friend. It was a lot of fun and got me to accomplish new things every month.

2  Marlene

I find if I write the list I am very likely to complete the listed task or journey. I love to mark off the completed item!!!  Very motivating.

3  Deborah

Rather than create a bucket list for the new year, I fill my bucket with all of the blessings and accomplishments of the past year!  Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year!  Happy stitching!!

4  Prissy

Hmmm.  I’ve made Bucket Lists before but I’m not good at keeping up with lists or a straight and focused path…. so I have found that I enjoy keeping a record of things I’ve done and places I’ve gone. My husband enjoys planning trips and keeps in mind what I delight in doing… Maybe Pinterest is my ongoing bucket list :)    Loved reading the responses.  I don’t think I’ve ever read all the comments to a blog….but these were great!


5  Sandy Lowery

Never made a bucket list. I think it would be like pressure hanging on my shoulders. I do think of lots that I want to accomplish and like you one of them is to organize my photos.  Big Job!!!


6  Sandy Balone

Yes! My husband and I do one every New Years Day morning of big and small projects we want to get done around the house. Like painting, changing light fixtures etc. Surprisingly, most get done! I make one in my craft room for UFO’s, quilts for new babies coming and Homemade Christmas gifts. I’m less successful with that list because I am always off to something new! Happy New Year and I love your fabrics!


7  Debbie Highcock

I love to dream and wish!  Why not!  Some days our lives and world can seem overwhelming so quilting and/or planning a new adventure can be calming!  I have an UFO list and it helps me focus on those unfinished projects! January 1st is a great day to meditate and think about plans for 2918!  Happy New Year to you and your family!


8  Marge

Happy New Year!  My bucket list starts with-add borders to Rabbits Prefer Chocolates and hang in time for Easter!


9  Linda G.

I don’t make bucket lists. I just keep moving from one thing to the next. I like to enjoy life one day at a time and hope it includes lots of sewing!


10  Sally Christiansen

I haven’t done a bucket list and I find that all my good intentions of making a list in January of every year go buy the wayside by March. I would like to get organized this year and be better at keeping things where they belong.

11  Lisa L

I make lists daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. It seems as soon as I cross something off a couple are added. As for my annual lists, some items get crossed off the others are revolving. i am a creative dreamer whose life keeps getting in the way. Life is too short we all need to take a step back every day and do what’s tugging our hearts.

12  Susie Bidney

I have not ever made a bucket list, especially of things to be done in the new year.  I don’t want to look at the list at the end of the year & feel bad because I didn’t accomplish all the things on my list. I’d rather look forward to what I might be able to get done in the new year.


And there you have it!  Congratulations to my 12 winners.  All you need to do it email me with your full name and address for shipping.  You can use the contact form on this blog.


And here’s a reminder of what’s coming up this week at Bunny Hill.  Everything on our website will be 25% off from January 5th through the 7th.

Happy New Year everyone!




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