Quilts,  Sugar Plum Stocking Treats

Stocking Treats Block Five

We’ve added some starlight to your stocking this week with Block Number Five!

And it’s starting to look like a Christmas Quilt!  The first two rows are complete with the addition of this block!

Block Five

I hope you’re having fun with these blocks.  I’m seeing blocks on Instagram and they are so cute!  Be sure and post any that you make using #sugarplumstockingtreats and #bunnyhilldesigns!

$3.00 Sale!

Be sure to check out the sale section of my website this week.  I’m doing something fun that I haven’t tried before. I’ve associated everything in the sale section with the number 3!  I’ve taken things left from our sale, and patterns that are being discontinued and given them a $3.00 sale price! There are a few items that I just can’t sell for $3.00, but you’ll still find a “3” in the incredibly low price.  It’s time to make room here in the studio for new things that are coming soon!

I’m going to publish this post a little early this week for those of you who subscribe by email.  I’ve noticed that it’s taking a full day to get to you when I publish on a Friday.  If I publish this now, you’ll be the first to get it!

Have a great weekend,







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