Family & Friends

Three Weeks


I have just spent the most incredible three weeks with these two little girls! Both speak English and German (yes, even Maya who is only 2). We baked chocolate chip cookies, colored pictures, played Candy Land, went for walks, picked roses and played with every toy I have. So many memories were made and they will have to last for another year.

…and every morning, wind, rain or shine, Maya walked Chelsea with Milkshake with me.

I hated to say goodbye.   Seeing them is such pure joy and saying goodbye is so painful.   I feel like this every time they come here, or I go to visit and it takes me a few days to recover…

Now it’s back to work and I have lots to tell you!




  • Karen D Martin

    Very cute–I’m sure you had lots of fun and hated to see it end. I know Chelsea was happy getting to be part of the action too!

  • Karen S

    So precious! So very happy for you. What wonderful memories they will always have as they grow up of sweet time with their US grandparents!!

  • Karen McMahon

    Your granddaughters are beautiful! I just became a grandmother in February. I had to take 2 planes to be present for the birth. My daughter moved to Ireland where her husband is from. I thank heavens for Face time!

  • Hildy

    It’s so great that you could spend time with your granddaughters I’m sure they enjoy their yearly visit with you in the USA. After all grandmas are the best:-)

  • Dee Winter

    My daughter and family live 5 hours away and I see them several times a year, but it never gets any easier to leave them. You are not alone in wishing for more time. Such sweeties.

  • Lea Kagel

    Sooo sweet and precious, Anne. They are such pretty little girls and I bet it was such fun playing and baking with them. I am so blessed to have my four little granddaughters live close by. I can’t imagine having to part with them for so long. I am teaching my 10yr old to quilt. She saved money dog-sitting and bought her own sewing machine!

    Much love to you, dearest friend and thanks for sharing such adorable photos and video.

  • Linda Bird

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful treat. I just spent a week with my granddaughters, ages 8 years and 8 months!. They live in Michigan and we live in North Carolina. It’s not overseas but the distance is nevertheless palpable and the partings so hard.

  • mimi'sdarlins

    Oh Anne, thanks for sharing the darling photos and video, your granddaughters are beautiful and so precious. Where does the time go? I recall when my son/family lived 1,000 miles away and it seemed I was always hopping on a plane….at least they were in the states. I’m very happy for your visit, I’ve actually thought of you several times during the Easter season, knowing you were enjoying your family’s visit. I know parting is sad, but you have the lovely memories until next time. {Hug}

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