Home & Garden

Miniature Garden

A friend gave me the prettiest glass jar that’s the perfect size for a spring terrarium.   I just couldn’t resist making one!



I found everything I needed on Amazon.  I ordered a terrarium kit with activated charcoal, little rocks, potting soil and moss.  Then I ordered some little miniature plants, just the perfect size!

If you’ve never made a terrarium, they’re really easy.  Layer the charcoal in the bottom of the jar, then layer the rocks and finally the soil.  Plant the miniature plants, top off with moss and give each plant a drink of water.  Here’s the best thing;  terrariums thrive on neglect!  I only water when the soil is really dry, and if I keep the lid on the jar, the terrarium will make its own moisture.  When it builds up too much moisture I just remove the lid for a while.

Terrarium_2_(1_of_1)The most fun comes when you pick the little things to put in your terrarium.  I picked two vintage bunny salt and pepper shakers for mine.  They look so cute tucked in among the ferns.  They’ll spend their days in my studio and I’ll try very hard to “neglect” their little haven.



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