
Sign of the Times

For years I’ve collected the back issues of Victoria Magazine, searching eBay for issues, and finally happy to say I think I have them all.  Two full shelves dedicated to these magazines, neatly organized in boxes by year.

This week as I was flipping through the latest issue of Victoria guess what I saw?  You can now buy a set of 2 DVD’s with all the back issues of Victoria.  Every single issue and the ability to search by subject, article , name etc.

Two full shelves of magazines or 2 little DVD’s?  People tell me it’s not the same as flipping through the actual magazine, and then I keep picturing those 2 little DVD’s sitting quietly on the shelf, not taking up much space, not collecting much dust.    I’m in a mood to simplify my life .  What would you do?

Speaking of de-cluttering, if you haven’t been over to the website lately, you’ll find Moda Bella, Essential Dots and Grunge on sale for 50% off.  Also while you’re there be sure and look at what’s in the Sale section.  I’m discontinuing all the Cosmo multiwork floss except for #4300 red.  We’ll still have the Cosmo floss when we move to our new website, just not the Cosmo multiwork.  This is your chance my sweet blog readers to purchase those backings or add to your fabric stash before I announce it in my newsletter next week.

Hope you’re having a great weekend.  I’m finishing up the last quilt before market and then its off to be quilted!




  • Andrea

    I missed reading you over the Summer and your website looks already new to me. You changed some formats at top and coloring. Hope if you are changing more than that, that we will be redirected from old website to new website. Enjoy Fall Market.

  • Dianne

    I have been and likely will always be, a magazine hoarder er collector. Because I have; moved my collections of magazines from house to house more than once ultimately realizing that I hadn’t looked at them in more years than I cared to count; have collections of magazines that have sticky notes to reference patterns that I just KNOW I am going to make or articles that I am going to re-read but simply haven’t found the time for as well as DVD’s of a year or a decade worth of magazines (purchased so that I could make room for even more magazines)that I have never once referenced – I can say with absolute certainty that you are unlikely to spend much time looking at either of them.
    We are well intentioned but the thing is there is always another lovely magazine with more current fabric and delicious new products showing up in our mailbox or, in this age of digital everything, our in box.
    Free up the space in your life for new things and let someone else enjoy the magazines that brought you so much pleasure in the past.

  • Sandi

    Well, Anne, I can say with complete confidence that you should keep the magazines. It’s just not the same to view all those lovely articles and photos on the computer. Plus, I won’t feel so bad that I have kept almost every issue of Victoria since it first came out. Missed several the last couple of years but love flipping through an old issue when I am relaxing for a bit and always get inspired. Just not the same when one views them on disc. ;-)

  • Marci

    Wow nice collection. I asked myself the same question regarding all my patterns. I scanned them all to my hard drive and back up. I use my tablet instead of paper. I am so glad so many designers are letting us buy PDF versions now. I now find that is all I buy. I think digital will catch on more as time passes. I am sure there was a time when most people preferred horse and buggy instead of the new autos. Not many buggies around any more . I went all digital but I admit it felt terrible taking all those patterns to recycling. It was sad to throw them away.

  • pam

    Eeek. AFter all that time and effort it does seem silly to let them go, but then again, if you could have the content on 2 easy dvds? Maybe it would be ok if it played on your ipad so you could hold it like a magazine? I mean I don’t know if you have an ipad but you get what I mean? I have this same kind of problem around here so I totaly get it.

    I look forward to seeing you later this month! xo

  • mary

    I would keep the paper copies, and buy the DVDs. Then you can use the search feature on the DVD, and actually see the wonderful paper copy in your hands. I have a Nook, and buy several magazines to view on it, but there is nothing like having the paper copies. When I moved I got rid of all my Mary Engelbreit magazines, and I still regret it 8 years later!

  • Cindy A.

    Keep the magazines!!! I was talked into going digital by a friend who swore it was the thing to do. I tried it with McCall’s Quilting magazine last year. I opened one issue on the computer, and never opened another one. I may have saved space in my home, but I wasted money. I didn’t like having to be tied to a computer screen in order to look at something that is supposed to be relaxing and inspiring. I also didn’t like the graphics which were limited to the size of my computer screen. I know I can zoom but it’s not the same as having a magazine in your hands that you can put right up to your nose if needs be to see what’s in the picture. I’m hoping some of my guild buddies bring in copies they no longer need to I can see what I missed last year.

    If you like the ability to find a topic quickly, then buy the DVD’s for that purpose. Once you know where to find it in the magazine, you can go right to it. I’m afraid if you got rid of such a prized possession/collection you’d regret it for a very long time, no matter how “free” you’d feel in the short term. I just don’t see the value of saving a shelf or two of space while ditching a lifetime full of pleasurable memories. Maybe you should try a digital issue of another magazine that you like really well and see how you like it. It would cost you $2 on a NOOK which would be an inexpensive way to see if you’d rather live with the real thing or with technology. Good luck!

  • mimi'sdarlins

    Have you decided yet? I’d much prefer to curl up on the daybed with magazine or book in hand. DVDs are convenient to store, but you can’t just grab one, settle into your comfy chair and have a leisurely browse….not the same. I know magazines use up space, and I also have years of Victoria, so I’m eliminating some of my quilt magazines instead! I finally reconciled to the fact that I can never make all those patterns.
    Also, consider all the time and energy you spent completing your Victoria collection!

  • Holly Hendershott

    I saw the DVD’s offered in Victoria too. I think I would much rather have the actual magazine then have it on a DVD. My ipad has an app where you can purchase magazines and read them right on the Ipad. I tried it, it’s not the same as having the physical magazine in your hands. Did not like it one bit.

  • Kay

    I am a paper person and not a techie. I love to read books and magazines and will never be tempted by an e-reader. It all depends on the kind of person that you are. I can’t bear clutter and love to tidy away and give things to charity shops, but to me books are treasured possessions and part of my life. Saying that, I don’t keep all of them, only my favourites.

  • Peggy

    Toss the magazines and get the dvd’s. As you let go of things you don’t need you will feel a sense of relief and lightness in your soul. I have done it and it feels great.

  • Paula

    It would defintiely be the dvd for me. As soon as the magaines I subscribe to became available on digital format I switched to that, now they take up no space but I still get to enjoy them.

  • Vickie

    I subscribed to Victoria the first few years that it was in print and saved every copy for years. Somehow in our last move I seem to have lost them.

    Thank you for mentioning the DVD’s because I’ve been trying to find two recipes from Victoria for years and years with no luck. That might be the answer!

  • Sue H

    While there’s nothing quite like the feel of a real magazine or book when you feel like flicking through, or just relaxing, the simplicity of the DVDs, the searchability for when you are looking for that article you know is in there somewhere . . .

    Is there room in your life for both? Oh the trials of a sentimentalist in this bright new shiny technological age!!

  • Karen Miller

    Gosh Anne I sure can relate! I have years and years of Country Living Mafazine in boxes. Now and then I will pull out a holiday volume and get some great ideas but at this point I think I would opt for the DVD’s… Only because there are other things (fabric, machines, notions) that would take precedence over boxes of magazines.

    Thanks for the sale on your site. I tried to jump over there and it doesn’t seem to be responding :(. I will try again in the morning. I received an order from you last week with the 50% off notions. What a great deal! Thank you!


  • Joanne Moore

    Looking thru magazines has such a relaxing air about it! Keep your collection. Just moved back into our home after a year long remodel. Just pondered these very thoughts. Dont let technology interfere with your collection. I Made a special Bunny Hill Binder for my new sewing room!! Pink on the outside and filled with your marvelous patterns and a pink paper clip you included in an order. Savor your collection!!!

  • Monica Massanyi

    Go to the dvd’s…simplify,,it will be very freeing! I did the same with all my books.. Now my closet full of books is in my kindle…and I have all that extra space

  • annelies

    Oh my….we are such kindred spirits. I have every issue from the FIRST one way back when. I treasure them and just like you they are neatly placed in magazine holders. BUT….I am thinking I need to get rid of them too. So much space, so little time to enjoy them. I might just pull all the favorite issues and say goodby to the rest. Oh, when I think of the hours of pleasure, but simplifying is where my heart and head is too!!!!

  • Sharon O

    KEEP the magazines and keep them on a wonderful little library shelf for you to look at over and over. Never would I hardly ever go back and look on a dvd… and it takes away the beauty of the magazine. Pour a hot cup of tea, eat a cookie and look and read and enjoy. I have a box of them myself not sure where but I do know I have them.

  • Michele T

    Seriously…how often would you load those disks to look at those magazines on the computer? I know that I wouldn’t!! I love the feel of magazines and books in my hands, flipping through pages is a sweet pleasure that no computer or notebook or iPad will ever replace!

  • Laura Benthien

    I too HAD all of the Victoria issues, that is until we moved. I decided it was time to get rid of all the things I did not “need”. I tookmone last trip down memory lane with them, enjoyed them one motpre time, then I donated them to a retirement home. Im not sure if anyone there enjoyed them as much as I had, but at least I didnt just toss them in the trash! The DVD set sounds enticing!

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