
Bitsy Button Sutton

My Bisty

I knew the day would come when we had to say goodbye to our sweet Bitsy.  But time caught all of us by surprise this week, as she went into severe kidney failure.  We couldn’t turn it around.  We said goodbye to her yesterday, and she died in my arms.  I would have gone with her if I could have.

She was our companion, a best friend and she gave us unconditional love.  I feel so empty now that she is gone, like my heart has been hollowed.  I see her everywhere.

Chelsea and Mooch were her friends and I know the house must feel empty for them too.   When we came home without her, Chelsea walked all around the outside of the car sniffing.

Bitsy was a gift to us from heaven, and I’m so grateful for the time we had with her.  She taught us so much.  You can read about her here.

I hope the tears will stop in a few days, and my heart will fill with memories of her. For those of you who have been through the death of a pet, I know you understand the feeling.

Bitsy has her wings now and I hope she’s learning to use them well.  I will miss her so much.

Hugs to each of you who have ever lost a pet.



  • Jackie R.

    Oh my Anne, add me to the list of crying friends right now. My heart is going out to your loss, yes I have been there, too.
    Blessings to you & yours and that your memories make you smile & feel warmed.
    Jackie in NC

  • Gerry

    Oh Anne- I’m so sorry to hear about dear Bitsy- what a gift she was to you and all of us who got to meet her thru your blog. There is nothing like a rescued dog to fill your life with gratitude and forgiveness. You gave her the most wonderful life- know she is happy and free of all of life’s encumberances now. May your wonderful memories comfort you in the days to come-
    hug Mooch and Chelsea for me- Gerry

  • Beth V.

    I am so sorry for your loss. I have been there a few years ago when i had to put my simba down. He was the best dog companion to me. I was lost and the only thing that got me through was a book i got from amazon “the rainbow bridge: a pet loss is heavens gain”. It made me feel better and i know i will see my sweet simba again as you will see Bitsy. A few months later i had to get another dog to fill that emptyness. I will be thinking and praying for you as you go through the next few weeks.

  • Lynn S

    Tears are swelling up and from my eyes. I know how you feel. I so enjoyed reading about Bitsy–lucky to be in your life too! Bitsy will be with you always!

  • Linda H

    I am so sorry that Ms. Bitsy Button Sutton has made here way to the rainbow bridge. She was very much loved by you and your family in her later years and like you said, was a gift to you too. Such a little, bitty gift that gave so much love. Hugs to you (((Anne))).

  • Dawn

    I’m so sorry to hear of your loss Anne. Parting from a much loved friend is harder than words can say.

    Our pet companions fetch so much love into our lives, and they, and little Bitsy will remain in our hearts always.

    Take care of yourself, Hugs to you and yours x x

  • Lori Remington

    Good Morning
    I’m writing this with a very, very heavy heart wishing I could reach out and just give you a big hug! I have lost several pets over my lifetime, but none as heartbreaking as our first dog together as a couple. She was my wedding gift from my husband, over 30 years ago. She was an english springer spaniel, and he didn’t want me home alone at night, as hewas a new CHP officer and worked lots of nights. She was at our wedding with us, on our honeymoon with us, shared the birth of our daughter with us ( and her first litter, at the same time). The other great pet loss was when we lost her granddaughter. We always have kept one pup from each generation of her….we have her great-granddaughter now. She is such a joy! My next huge pet loss will come when I lose the cat I have now. I have shed many, many tears and joys with her, she definitely has an unconditional bond with me,and I love her so! I’m tearing up just writing this to you. I live very close by to you, and never met you, but feel a kindred spirit with you. I live in Stockton. My husband and I are now retired, but your spouse may have met mine over the years, as my husband worked in the Tracy office for years, and if I recall your writings correctly, yours was with a fire dept. I hope to meet you someday, and then I will willingly give you the needed hug you need today.

  • Shannon C

    Dear Anne,
    Bitsy was so blessed to have you and your husband take such good care of her. Such a blessing to have her come into your lives. Sweet sweet Bitsy Button.
    Sending you much love from Montana…..xoxo

  • JulieZaloudek

    Anne, I am so sorry for your loss, I know your pain well, and hope you find some comfort in knowing Bitsy is content at the Rainbow Bridge and will be waiting for you there. Her story is a touching one that I think of often. You were destined and lucky to have each other.

  • Andrea Hickman

    I am praying for you and your family. I had a 15 year old cockerpoo who shared some of my happiest and most painful times. I cried for a solid week when we had to say goodbye a little over a year ago. She was my “first-born child”. My human children, then 8 and 6, made me cards ever day to “help Mommy feel better.” This is our card to you to let you know that are in our prayers.

  • Sue P

    So sorry to hear of your loss. I love the story about Bitsy and loved reading your posts about her. It is so hard to lose a very loved pet. I lost Molly my rescue dog about 2 years ago and it still sad. The tears will go away and you will have the wonderful memories.

  • DeAnna Dodson

    I’m crying, too. I’m so very, very sorry to hear you had to let go of precious Bitsy. I lost two of my babies last year, and it’s SO hard.

    I wish I could give you a big hug. It hurts so much, but I know I wouldn’t trade the time I had with mine for anything.

    Praying for you. :::hugs:::

  • Jocelyn

    I’m so sorry for you Anne. I do know what you are going through. I had a sweet Airedale that lived with us for only 10 years. But it broke my heart when we had to let her go. Sending you a big hug {{{ }}}

  • Barbie Jo Paquin

    I am so very very sorry :( I lost my 13 year old Cleo kitty just 4 weeks ago, I so understand how you are feeling right now. In time the pain will lessen, may you find comfort with happy memories of your time together.
    A BIG hug to you!
    Barbie jo

  • ginger

    What a precious story about Bitsy Button Sutton. You were pure joy for her also. I have 3 dogs and I cat. There have been quite a few others over the years. Animals are truly one of life on this earth’s biggest blessings. Thank you for sharing your precious animals and the pain. It helps us realize what gifts our pets truly are. God Bless You.

  • Maga

    Huge hug – I am crying for your loss because I too had to let go of my dog 2 1/2 years ago so I know how you feel right now and although I have moved house now I still miss him when I get home or am sad. They leave such a large space in our hearts empty but all the same full of lovely memories we would not have been without deapite the pain when they go to play on the green grass over the rainbow

  • Marcia

    Oh Anne I am so sorry. I’m crying with you. I have enjoyed your posts about Bitsy and feel like I knew her. I am very happy for her that she found a home with you where she knew love and kindness and was safe from all harm and want. I know she had a very special story and a special place in your family. Happy journeys Bitsy, you take mountains of love with you.

    We lost our Jasiu a few months ago and it really tore our hearts out. We think of him every day. The pain is so powerful and there are no words. Anne when you have healed please google “dogs last will and testament”. We did and Jasiu’s last will came to live with us, his name is Butch. Kindness doesn’t end, it moves to a new address.


  • Darlene

    Oh Anne, my heart is breaking for you and yours! Please try to take comfort in knowing how happy she made you and how happy you made her. She was definitely a gift from Heaven; I remember when she arrived.

  • Hildy

    I’m so soory to hear that. It’s always hard to say goodbye to a pet because they’re family. Hugs to you and your family (human and pet), Hildy

  • Linda L

    I am so sorry. I have been there too. They do bring more joy than pain . Happy forever memories.
    Hugs. Linda L. In Tx

  • Tammy E

    I’m so sorry that you lost your sweet girl. Big Hugs and remember you will meet up again at the rainbow bridge!!

  • Carole Crane

    I am so sorry for the loss of your baby Bitsy. Holding you and yours in my heart and prayers! I know she brought you much love and happiness. Hugs

  • Annelies

    Oh no… heart breaks with yours. When I saw the pic of Bitsy, I was sitting happily anticipating a fun Bitsy post. Now I am heartbroken, knowing YOUR loss and selfishly MINE too. Sweet prayers said for you and the family for strength and comfort. I have lost fur children too, and it is a painful loss. Hugs and more hugs, XXXX

  • Beverley

    SO sorry you lost Bitsy. What a lovely story, and what luck she found you and that you gave each other such love and pleasure. We recently adopted 2 cats who are at least 7 years old, and they are so loving. Huge hugs.

  • Kathleen

    Oh Anne ~ My heart breaks for you and your family. When I first read Bitsy’s story, I cried ~ and then was so happy that she found a forever home with you. My husband loved the story too! Anyone who has ever had a Beloved Pet has to go through this at some point, but it sure doesn’t make it easy. Take time to grieve. I will miss all the Bitsy stories ~ I loved her as if she were my own. We never got another dog after our Libby passed in 2005. It is just too hard to go through that. Sending you love from Ridgefield, Washington.

  • Robin

    Oh Anne, I’m soooo sorry. Even when we know they are ready to get their wings, it’s so hard for those left behind — both the human ones and the furry ones. Big hugs to all.

  • Sandy S

    Hugs right back to you! Loving my 2 as well! Thinking about those past. They enrich our life and our souls! Don’t know how the earth would be without them!

  • Christine B.

    Hugs to you Anne! I have two little dogs, Poppy and Dexter. They are only relatively young (5 years) but I just can’t imagine what it would be like to lose either one of them. Be strong and I am sure that sweet memories will very soon replace the loss that you feel. Thinking of you!

  • Gerri

    I’ so sorry for your loss. I know the pain of losing a beloved pet too well. You were very kind to Bitsy. I’m sure she is running and playing with wings.

  • mimi'sdarlins

    Anne, I am so sorry for your loss. I know what a dear friend and family member Bitsy was, and I understand the loss of a pet…I have lost many and still miss them all. Bitsy will live on in your heart, but it will take time before the tears subside. Try to be thankful that you still have your other little furry companions, and you know they are feeling the loss, too. {{hugs}}

  • Ann

    Anne, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. It brought tears to my eyes when I read your post as we just lost our little English Bulldog in March. She was almost 13, a long life for a bulldog but not long enough as we still miss her greatly. I think of her every day and still cry for her. Hugs to you, I know exactly what you’re going through.

  • Anita

    I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my dog of 15 years in September and it did take a few days for the tears to stop. I understand what you are going through. I clicked over and read Bitsy’s story and it brought tears to my eyes. She was very fortunate to have been found by your husband and you and I can tell that your feel very fortunate to have had her in your life. I hope you feel better soon. Give your other pets lots of pats on the head.

  • pam

    oh, i am so sorry. my cat is 19 and i am expecting a loss any day now. but there is just no way to describe the feeling. hearing about bitsy brings tears to my eyes.

  • Colleen

    Im crying right along with you! You were an amazing mom to her and she is looking down smiling on you!. I lost my cat Opus 8 years ago Nov3. I still cry when I think of him as I raised him from a tiny kitchen and he was my companion for 14 years! The good ones are always with us!

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