Home & Garden

Angel Face

A vase in my studio is filled with roses from my garden.  Beautiful mauve blooms that delight the senses with a sweet fragrance.   If you want a wonderful rose for your garden, this one lives up to its name...Angel Face.  

Angel Face

Ange Face 2

 Angel Face always blooms first every season, with continuous blooms throughout the summer.

It’s on sale now at Jackson & Perkins so you might want to order more than one.  Sweet summer begins with Angel Face.  Just wait until you smell these roses!



  • Linda

    Brings back memories of my Mom’s flower borders. She had roses from my grandmother’s yard that were an old fashioned variety. They smelled wonderful!

  • Carole Crane

    Had a double knee replacement and still in the hospital. I could not sleep, picked up my ipad. What a beautiful picture to enjoy. Helps to make you forget! Would love to have some of them. Thanks for the information.

  • Louise

    What a beautiful rose! My personal favorite is Cecile Brunner and those sweet little blossoms and they are so fragrant. I like to cut the buds just as they start to open, dry them and add to my bowl. They hold their fragrance for quite a long time. I might just have to add an Angel Face to my spring planting…thanks for sharing.

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