Home & Garden

Fill that bowl with roses!

Could you be a winner?

Just when you’re not expecting it, you leave a comment on a blog and it turns out you won something!  Two of my blog readers are going to receive this pink flower vase in the mail.   Yes, you could be the lucky one this time!  You can’t win if you don’t try.  If you win a vase be sure and check inside before you add water…you just might find a surprise!

Pink Vase

Here’s how this beautiful bowl looks filled with roses!  Leave a comment on this post and I’ll be back on Friday to announce the winners!

Garden Roses

Postcard Cutie Kits…pre-order one now!

Postcard Cuties for Winter

If you missed out on the first kits, we have more on the way.  You can pre-order a kit now and we’ll ship it to you when they arrive sometime in July or August.   We’ll charge your credit card  a $15.00 deposit now, and deduct it off your total when we ship the kits.  Moda’s re-printing the fabric as fast as they can.  Our cut off date for pre-orders is May 22nd.  We also have two different backings to choose from so just add one to your order if you’d like it included.


Hop on over to my Facebook page!

..for a sneak peek of my newest block of the month called  “A Woodland Christmas”.   We’re working on the pattern now and it will be ready in a few weeks.   Just click on the Facebook link on the side bar of my blog…the woodland critters await you!

Good luck everyone on the giveaway.  I wish I had pink vases for each of you!  Have a great week and I’ll be back on Friday.










  • Jeanne Langston

    Oh, ANNE,
    The vase is just lovely! It reminds me of one my grandmother had-her most prized possession, sitting on her old Hoosier cabinet in her kitchen. For me that beautiful vase saw me through my childhood. Whenever I was upset and the tears were running down my face, she held me, soothed me, said all the right things a little girl needed to hear. Then she would get her precious vase and put it down between us and told me that it would hold all my tears, fears, and even keep me from kissing 5-yr Jimmy if I didn’t want to! After her death, no one could find that vase. What a wonderful opportunity to have one to remember her by and how generous you are to do this, Anne. Good luck everyone!

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