
I wish this were mine

My friend Nancy (she does most of the piecing for Bunny Hill) brought over her Dear Jane quilt this week to share with us.  She’s an excellent quilter so we knew we were in for a treat.

It took her a little over 4 years to complete all the blocks and assemble the quilt.  She sent the quilt to Ohio to be hand quilted by an Amish quilter, and she just got it back last weekend.  The quilt has over 200 blocks and each block is quilted with a different pattern.  I could look at this quilt for days and never see enough.  These photos can’t begin to capture its beauty!


Dear jane

Dear Jane 2

Dear Jane 3

Border Close-up

We laid it out on the floor so I could try and get a full photo…

Dear Jane 5

…and two of our Bunny Hill workers got right  onto the center of the quilt.  You’d think they’d know better.  I just couldn’t believe it!

Chelsea and Bitsy 1

Each one blamed the other when I told them to get OFF the quilt.  I think one of them looked a bit more guilty than the other.

Chelsea and Bitsy

Nancy didn’t mind and I was so relieved.  Geeez…I’m going to have to put these workers through some training.  They need to wear white gloves when touching a quilt like this.

It’s an amazing quilt and it’s going to Vermont this summer for a show.  I’ll let you know when I get more information on the show, just in case you’re in the area.



  • Tara Lynn Darr

    That is gorgeous! Would you mind sharing the contact information of the amish quilter? I’m in the process of making a Dear Jane quilt and I just said last month at our Dear Jane meeting that I was thinking about having my own quilt when finished, hand quilted by an Amish quilter! Thank you!

  • Terry

    Awesome quilt — The dogs have great taste in quilts — They had to check out the work up close and personal. — Mine always does that to my best quilts.

  • Louise

    Hi, Nancy’s Dear Jane is stunning and the hand quilting is amazing.
    I have a finished DJ top that took way too long to make. I had no idea howitzer wanted to quilt in until now. I live in Australia. Is there any possible way of telling me how to contact the Amish master quilter and perhaps a ballpark figure of how much this would cost???
    Thanks for sharing with us, Lou
    Ps love the puppies too

  • Janie

    I believe this is the nicest reproduction of the Jane Stickle quilt I have ever seen. The quilting is just beautiful. It’s just an exceptional job all around! Bravo!

  • Anne Beale

    Oh My God, I apologise to the extremely talented Amish quilters, I mean no disrespect to God but
    my God those beautiful,even tiny stitches one would never be able to replicate that stitching ever!
    Not to mention how exquiste those blocks are.
    I feel like Wayne and Garth in front of Alice Cooper, we’re not worthy.
    Bitsy and Chelsea just wanted to have a closer look at those truely stunning blocks.

    Cheers to you Anne and Nancy for a sharing such a wonderful quilt.

    Anne Beale

  • Judith

    Beautiful! I was wondering what the batting is? Could it be a double layer? It looks so thick with the hand quilting. Thanks

  • Sharlett

    Love the quilt and the two cute Bunny Hill Employees, they make me laugh. I also have a helper who feel the need to test out each new quilt.

  • Dianne H.

    This quilt is truly amazing, and fabulous, and beautiful, and gorgeous, etc., etc., etc.. I live in Ohio Amish country. I would love to find out who did the beautiful hand quilting. Would that be possible? Thank you for sharing this quilt. What an inspiration it is.

  • Beth

    This is absolutely beautfiul – and inspiring!! I know one other person that completed that quilt and it was so fun to see it in person. I love the handquilting. Thanks for sharing!!

  • Joani

    The DJ quilt is stunning! The quilting is extraordinary as well… But the ‘puppies’ just had to get a closer look, eh? :) Thanks yu for sharing!! The Amish quilter is so talented as well! Nancy did a great job … such patience!

  • Miss Jean

    Such a beautiful quilt and a true heirloom. I always say quilters are some of the best modern artists in the country. By the way, Bitsy and Chelsea can sit on my quilts any time!!!

  • Pat

    The quilt is really beautiful. I love that they did different quilting in each square which makes the quilt more interesting. What a wonderful treasure. My mother was a hand quilter including putting the pieces together. My daughters and I have many quilts that my mother made.

  • Libby

    I wish this were mine also ~ What a lovely quilt, the piecing and of course the hand quilting ~ What an art!

    I’m glad I’m not the only one with worker’s like yours ~ but “ya gotta lov’em!

  • Barb

    What an incredibly beautiful quilt! It is breath-taking in your photos – I can only imagine what it must be to see it in person. Thank you to Nancy for sharing it with us.

    Chelsea and Bitsy definitely know a thing of beauty when they see it.

  • mimi'sdarlins

    What a spectacular piece of work! Anne, thanks so much for sharing this, it’s the first one I’ve seen in such detail, and the quilting is truly inspiring. And it has dogs! Did you notice that your pooches coordinate perfectly with the colors? :)

  • Cassie

    Oh, what a beautiful work of art! In awe at that hand quilting! What an inspiration… thanks Anne for sharing. Love your curious little workers checking out the quilt. I have a similar story: My sister was getting ready for an art show last year. She was so excited to show my son and me her most recent works (lying on the floor drying in the center of her studio). We walked into the studio and my son walked right onto one of the pieces! Rather than pass out from shock, my sister actually liked the interesting textures his footprints added to the piece and sold it that way! Thank goodness for small graces!

  • Lynette

    What a gorgeous Jane! I’m maybe 3/4 through making the blocks, and I’m seriously impressed at their hand quilting on this! Some of the seam build-up on those tiny blocks is remarkable, so hand quilting these is *not* easy.

  • Catherine

    I had the joy of meeting Nancy at Asilomar a couple of years ago, and she was amazing. She was working on the Bali Wedding Star and we all drooled looking at it throughout the week!!!

    Tell her I said hello and that her Dear Jane is fantabulous!!!

  • Pam

    I love seeing DJs! I love Nancy’s choice of colors and fussy cuts! I’ve heard Brenda Papadakis speak a couple of times here in Indiana. The quilting is exquisite, too! A DJ is one of my bucket list items! I wish I could see the entire quilt! Awesome!!

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