
“It Came Without Ribbons”

 The Story of Bitsy

Many of you don’t know the story of Bitsy so I’d thought I’d share it with you this Christmas.

To be blessed with an old dog is like no other blessing.  To be blessed with an old dog named Bitsy is a miracle in itself.  She came to us by accident 5 or 6 years ago when my husband found her in the park, lost without a collar and so sick that we thought she might be dying.  He brought her home and with the help of our Vet, we nursed her back to health.  The days went by as we looked for her owner, she slept on our couch and watched us every minute.  We carried her outside to use the bathroom and gradually she started to eat again. She shook and trembled most of the time.

We did everything we could to find her owner. We put up signs, called the shelters and vets in the area in case anyone was looking for her. With each pet of my hand on her head I knew I was falling in love with this dog and when no one called  I made my husband take down the signs.  I knew we would have to give her back if we found her owners but secretly I hoped they wouldn’t call.

And then one day it happened…my husband came home with this sign:


It was her!   I knew I had to call the number.   I called and said  “I think we have your dog.  She’s been very, very sick so we took her to the vet.  She’s feeling better and I know you must miss her.”  The lady who answered told me it was her son’s dog and that she’d have him call me.

It was so hard waiting for the son to call and I knew he’d want her back because she was so sweet.  I told myself it was silly to fall in love with a dog this fast and that she belonged to someone else.  But I couldn’t help wondering why it had taken so long to put up the lost dog sign.

When the son called I said to him “I’ve fallen in love with your dog and if there’s any chance you don’t want her I’d love to keep her”.   That’s when the miracle happened.  It turned out the son was in school and hardly home anymore.  He had to keep her chained in the back yard when he was gone and apparently she’d escaped from her collar and dug her way out.  He hadn’t been home for while and that’s why it took so long for the signs to go up.

The son came over, brought her “papers” and collar and said we could have her.   Bitsy became our dog!  According to her “papers” she’s a Toy Fox Terrier named Bitsy,  born on October 7th.  To me she will always be Bitsy Button Sutton.  I tell her that I wish I could have seen her in her youth…she whispers the same thing back to me tee hee!

She’s a part of our family now and she just turned 16.  She’s given us the best years of her life no doubt about that, and because she’s so special she’ll get a few of her favorite cookies on Christmas day…Mother’s Taffy Cookies!

She spent so much time outside with her first owners she has mast cell tumors (a kind of skin cancer) that we’ve had to have removed.  Surgery after surgery she comes home and acts as if nothing happened.  She bounces back,  recovers and surgery after surgery our vet tells us it’s a miracle she’s alive.   She has scars on her head, side and legs, she’s deaf now and the black on her face has turned gray.  She’s down to a few precious teeth.   But she runs, plays with toys and prances across the yard.  She follows me every where and she’s such a joy!

In September we found another tumor that had to be removed and this time they didn’t get it all.  Because it’s such a slow growing tumor we’ll watch it carefully and say a few prayers.

As I package up the gifts this year I can’t help but remember that Bitsy is the best present I’ve ever received any time of year.    If you own an old dog or cat you know how it feels.  She’s taught me what strength really is and having her in my life has made me a better person.  Who knew a dog could do so much?  She reminds me of the best things about Christmas.  She’s the gift without ribbons!


Dr. Seuss’ Grinch Christmas Quote

“And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled ’till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store? What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?”


Give your pet a Christmas hug.




  • JudyCinNC

    A beautiful story of love and I believe Bitsy came into your life for a reason – pets always know who will love and help them. It would have been such a great lost if Bitsy Button had never come into your life and made such a difference. Our sweet boy Brady had many health problems and I think the depth of our love was greater because of his needs . Thank you Anne for sharing your special story – this is our first Christmas without our Brady – and I love knowing that others feel about their pets as we did. They are so important in our everyday lives. Warmest wishes for a lovely Christmas surrounded by family and friends. Judy C in NC

  • MaryBeth

    Oh my, Bitsy’s former owner certainly didn’t deserve her if he hadn’t been home to care for her and love her. We do not OWN our pets, do we? We have always had dogs. We had an Australian shepherd who died of cance a few years ago. For his last 2 hears we treated him with Chinese herbal medicine and I actually cooked his food for him rather than feed him commercial dog food. My vet convinced me it would help him and I really do feel we “bought” him an extra year and a half, but best of all, we brought his smile back. Now have 2 little havanese girls – 1 year old sisters. We didn’t think we’d adopt Dot – she was born with a badly deformed jaw and we knew she’d require a lot of dental work, but she snuggled into my husband and he was hers, LOL. They are a constant source of joy and amusement. Merry Christmas to you and yours, and of course to Bitsy.

  • isabela

    Bonita historia la de tu perro, son una parte importante en nuestras vidas, todos deverian tener una mascota, yo tengo a Tom es encantador y un compañero fiel. gracias por compartir tu historia un abrazo y feliz navidad

  • Melanie

    What a beautiful story! How fortunate for both of you that you found one another. May you both have a blessed Christmas and enjoy many puppy hugs and kisses! Thank you for sharing. It’s a nice reminder of how these innocent little creatures depend on us and give us so much love.

  • Jeanne Langston

    Oh, what a heartfelt story. I know exactly how you feel, but your words explained it so elequently. What a sweet dog and to have had to go through so much healthwise. I know it takes special people to take care of, emotionally and monetarily, a special pet. I know Bitsy loves you, so good luck this next year on another wonderful year together. Our Golden Lab, Luke, and our cat, Mr. Petey Blue, (both rescues), send their love!

    Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to you and your family,

    Jeanne in MO

  • Carmen Wyant

    Aren’t animals the best thing in the world. I remember & cherish every animal that we’ve ever had. At the moment it is 2 doxies and 2 kitties. Thanks so much for the story and celebrate every day that you have with Bitsy.

  • Melody

    This bought a tear to my eye as Bitsy’s story reminds me of my little Essie’s story. My little dogs mean the world to me. The way people treat animals is, in my view, a true reflection of their character and it is one of the reasons I think you are a wonderful and truly good person. Your kindness shines through every pattern you design, every blog post you make.
    Have the most wonderful Christmas with your family and adorable pets, and please give dear Bitsy a gentle hug from me.

  • Sunnybec

    What a lovely lovely story. We have two rescue dogs. One is now 18 years and 7 months – I think the months are important when they get to such an age, she is a spaniel cross called Lady – and the other a Jack Russell (Sam) who is about 11 years, he has no papers so we aren’t sure of his exact age. Lady is now nearly blind and very deaf, she doesn’t do much except eat and sleep but still wags her tail and occasionally she tries to play but her old legs can’t stand it now. Sam had cancer October 2010, as far as we know all of it has been removed. Having a dog changes your life completely. We have been married 40 years next year and had a dog for most of those years. They are the best. Merry Christmas! Linda

  • Laura

    i don’t usually comment but bitsy is soo!! cute:) it is truely amazing how our pets can enrich our lives i’m giving my cat a good squeeze right now:)

  • Allie

    This brought tears to my eyes – how blessed is Bitsy that your hubby found her, you’ve given her a wonderful life! And she’s been just as much of a blessing to you. She is precious and I’m adding some prayers to yours for her!

  • poppyinpink

    I love your story and am soo glad for the part where you got to have your little dog, it melted my heart to see her eyes, easy to appreciate why you love her! I’ll add my prayers to yours for her.

  • Regina

    I did not know Bitsy’s story. But you can tell she’s a special little girl.
    You can really tell a story. Thanks for sharing .

  • Tina

    Bitsy’s story of how she became Bitsy Button Sutton brought tears to my eyes – what a wonderful blessing for you and for Bitsy! I wish her many, many more happy, healthy years with you and your family.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  • Lynda

    Oh, Anne, Bitsy Button Sutton’s story is a gift! I’m *so* glad your dear husband found her, and had the compassionate heart to bring her home. What a life-changing event for all of you.

    My husband and I live with kitties, all of whom have been rescues. Our girl Maren, came to us almost exactly eight years ago after someone abandoned her outside our vet’s office. She’d been hideously abused and left in a cardboard box, from which she escaped; she was living in the nearby bushes. It took the staff several days to win her trust enough so that they could hold her and bring her inside. She was in such awful condition I don’t even like to tell people about it, but Dr. C. and his fantastic staff took exquisite care of her … and called us.

    We’d just had to have our precious tuxedo boy, Willy, put down in October, and darling TJ put down the week before the call about Maren. The vet tech who called apologized profusely about the timing, saying she’d understand if it was too soon, but as they took care of this sick, scrawny, scared little cat they all kept thinking of us, and would I like to come look at her? Well, what was I gonna say? I called my husband at work and all he said was, “Bring a carrier.”

    She had to stay another several days to heal some more, but from the day we brought her home she’s been our Maraboo, queen of the household. We adopted two rescue kittens a few months later, and there’s never been any question about who’s the boss. Maren loves lying in the sun, head + tummy rubs, drinking from the bathroom sink faucet and lying on me when I read in bed. A gift without ribbons, indeed.

  • Ann P.

    What a beautiful story! I miss our 2 dogs and cat. A pet is truly a family member. This story brought tears to my eyes. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    Ann P.

  • Rhonda D in southeast Missouri

    I love your story aout Bitsy. Our basset hound, Wrigley, was a stray that we rescued, and he lived to be 15. We have a yorkie now, named Gobble, who is 8 years old. Older pups are wonderful. What a heart-warming story. Merry Christmas to you & Bitsy.

  • Teah Barrow

    Anne, Thank you so much for sharing this special story. I love the message and how you shared your heart and home with her and she’s given so much back. Her fighting spirit is delightful. Just enough spunk to keep her going. Bitsy is clearly loved. Everybody hug your fur babies- they don’t last forever!

  • Pam @ Antique or Not

    Anne, I’m sitting here blubbering after reading your story about Bitsy. Our 11-year-old cat Osira has had her share of health problems too, along with several surgeries, the last one to remove a fibrosarcoma. It too is a slow-moving cancer and we are watching her carefully and dreading finding another lump.

    Unlike your Bitsy, Osira has been with us since she was a baby and has been loved and pampered her whole life. Bitsy is so lucky that you came into her life…


  • Cindy

    What a wonderful post!! Thanks for sharing Bitsy’s story with all of us. Isn’t it amazing how our pets can forever change our lives in ways we would have never imagine.
    Have a Merry Christmas.

  • Rachel

    Oh Anne, I am not an emotional person but your Bitsy story has made me all teary. What a wonderful gift she has been. I think you two were meant to be together and I’m sure you will be forever grateful that she found you. I can’t even imagine how her previous owner couldn’t have wanted her – how awful to have a pet and not take proper care of it!

    Now, I’m going to go and hug Abby and Derby, my two Jack Russell Terriers, and say a little prayer of thanks for our cat, Rex, who was with us for 19 years and JRT Bosun who was hit by a car when he was only 2.

  • Lou

    That is such a beautiful story. We just lost our 11 year old Newf and she taught me so much about life, too. We miss her terribly. Thanks so much for reminding me how great our lives are enriched by the presence of our pets.

  • Barb

    Thank you so much for sharing the story of Bitsy – it is a wonderful reminder of just how much our sweet little fur babies enrich our lives. You both were blessed when you found each other.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  • Nancy C. in Utah

    Sorry Anne, I hit the publish button before I wished you and yours all a very Happy and Blessed Christmas and my furry girls wish all your furry kids Merry Christmas too. OH…and Sadie Jo wants to know if Chelsea plans on sharing those yummy cookies??? They are after all a favorite of hers. (but then anything she can chew and swallow is a favorite of hers *wink*) Hugs…

  • Nancy C. in Utah

    Oh Anne, this story touches my heart so much. We have a 11 year old Schnauzer that has been our little “bright eyes” since we got her at just 8 weeks old and now she is failing quickly. We know that every single day with her is a gift and we cherish every moment because we are rapidly approaching the day we will have to tell her goodbye. We will still have her sister, Sadie Jo who came to us as a full grown dog, badly abused and we spent many and anxious hour waiting to see if she could be saved. Now, 6 years later, she is chubby and very happy that way, LOL. You said in your story about Chelsea that you knew it was “silly to fall in love with a dog so fast”. But I think Chelsea was like our Sadie, it is love at first sight, plain and simple. All of our pets, both dogs and cats over the years have held special places in our hearts and brought with them their own special gifts and there is no way in the world we could repay the love, laughter, joy and companionship they bring into our lives. What a sad world this would be without our little furry kids. Bundles of love wrapped in fur, each and every one of them. Thanks so much for sharing Chelsea’s story with us. I love the picture of her carrying the long red toy…both of mine have their own just like hers except theirs are green and blue. Hugs…

  • Jan A.

    I love your story about Bitsy Buttons, Anne, and thank you for sharing it with us. You are so right, there is no dog like an old dog to tug at your heartstrings. My miniature schnauzer is almost 13 and has had many surgeries, but always bounces back. I know deep down that we are on the wane of our time together and I try to cherish every minute with this wonderful dog. I wish for your precious Bitsy a wonderful year and hope she enjoys her Christmas cookies!

  • Marcia

    Hi Ann
    allow me to thank you for your love and kindness to the most innocent among us. I know exactly what you mean. We have three beagles, all are cast offs. I will tell you of one, my jasiu(that’s polish for john). A beagle just showed up in my back yard. His eye was bulging and terribly red. Yet he was wagging his tail. I gave him some dog food which he inhaled and had another helping. I could tell he was still very young. I called my hubby and told him I had to take this lost pup to the vet, he was hurt and needed care and we were going to be spending a great deal of money. Hubby said ” ok with me, take care of him”. After shots, surgeries and food and love he healed nicely. We too contacted vets, humane society and put up posters. No takers. Which is well that it should be so; we fell in love. To this day he is our precious boy, healthy, happy and yes quite old now. We love him so much!

  • LeAnn Keenan

    That was a wonderful story. We have been blessed with three tuxedo cats who have been “sent” to us. I don’t know what I do without any of them.

  • Pauline

    What a sweet story Anne… was a sad day when our ‘Bennie’ got his angel wings. He was the best and sweetest dog and so afraid of his own shadow….even the leaves blowing down the sidewalk and the thunder made him shake so bad. During his last 6 months we carried him a lot and he walked very little. He was in a lot of pain, his tail always down…. until he heard the popcorn in the microwave and he would do a wee dance. He made us laugh and cry…..he was so gentle, a loved member of our family.

    Give Bitsy a hug…..Pauline

  • Piecefully Pam

    Merry Christmas to Bitsy and her loving humans! I couldn’t agree more, the lessons a dog teaches can be quite amazing and life changing. Our dog, Jingle, has been a precious gift indeed and he has forever changed our lives in ways never imagined. Blessings come in all varieties! ; ) Thank you for the reminder, Anne. <3

  • Beverley

    What a lovely story. I am so glad you love your dog.
    We have just adopted a 5 year old cat called Lola. She is so sweet and affectionate. We had her just before my Dad died suddenly, and she has been my saving grace.

  • Sinta

    That is such a wonderful story Anne! She was in need of a new home where someone could be with her and take care of her.
    My dog always gets to open the first present of Christmas. She is always so excited and then goes to everyone after that to “ehlp” them open their gifts also. And she never peeks at presents under the tree early!
    Merry Christmas to you Anne and your family, including your 4 legged children


  • Leslie

    Hi Anne!
    What a wonderful story!
    We just adopted a jack russel and fox terrier. He is so cute, like Bitsy would have looked in her younger days!
    We had a lab dog, the runt of his litter, but the best dog. We had to put him down 2 yrs ago because of a cancerous tumour they told us was only a fat pad! Huh! I was right, it was something to be concerned about, but too late for our dog.
    Have a wonderful Christmas with your family, your story has warmed my heart!
    Take care, give Bitsy a hug!, Leslie

  • Lynn

    Thank you for the story. Odd timing as my husband just returned from the garden center with some flowers for a little garden where we are going to bury our dog’s ashes. What a loss this has been. One one hand it seems a bit silly to be this torn up about a dog and yet I am. My kids ask if I want another dog and I’m not ready yet. It seems though, after reading this that in a while I’ll be ready to give the right one a family and a home. So thanks and Merry Christmas.

  • Julie C.

    That is a wonderful story for Christmas, Anne. We lost our dog 6 months ago and it was so hard to say goodbye. Since then,we’ve gotten a new puppy and even though he’s got big shoes to fill, we love him just the same. Thanks for reminding us of the furry spirit of Christmas.

  • Kelly Wenhold

    The people I work with are going to wonder why I’m crying. We, too, recused a dog who was in bad shape from the SPCA. She was kept in a cage for so long that she had lost all muscle development. And little did we know until we took her home that she hated men. So we are guessing that a man was the abuser. It took her time but she grew to love the men in our family. She lived with us for seven years. I held her in my arms when she took her last breath two years ago, she was a great dog! Thanks for sharing your story!

  • Fee

    What a wonderful story Anne,

    Our pets are our world so I know how you feel we lost one of our elderly pets this past year and it was heartbreaking but I keep her in my heart and am thankful that we had her in our lives.

    Have a merry Christmas.

    hugs – Fee X

  • Jennifer

    Those TFT’s really get under your skin, don’t they? Luckily, I’ve had my “little guy” from the beginning. He was the opposite of the runt of the litter. In fact, he is probably closer to the size of a runt Fox Terrier. When I saw him I was a little shocked at his large size and the breeder offered me a different TFT. I had fallen in love with my “little guy” and refused the exchange.

    I’m so glad that I have my boy in my life. I too feel like I rescued him (turns out the breeder became a puppy mill) and in return he has rescued me. We have spent 10 wonderful years together so far and I’m looking forward to quite a few more.

    Sending you TFT hugs and wishing you and Bitsy all the best.

  • Andrea

    What a sweet story; the story of Bitsy. I too have an old gal, Maggie. She was a rescue dog that I ‘fostered’ 9 years ago. Well, I’m still ‘fostering’ her =) She’s a wonderful sassy diva of a Lhasa, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. I think that rescue pets share a particularly special bond with their owners. It’s as if they just know that we’ve helped them, and it makes that bond extra special =)

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