Family & Friends

Oh my!

It’s been one of those weeks…

My trip to Austin was delayed for 7 hours.  The plane had mechanical trouble and I sat in the airport all day (not complaining because they discovered it while on the ground).  If you didn’t get a call from me to chit chat it’s  because I didn’t have your number!  If you did get a call I’m sorry!  I can talk a lot when I’m killing time.

My embroidery was packed in my suitcase, not my carry on bag.  Free time and nothing to sew!  Learned my lesson on that one I hope.

Retreat was wonderful and I finished embroidering my letter  “S”!   But when I got home I realized I picked up the wrong fabric in my rush to get to the airport.  I used Bella #60 and should have used Bella #11 so I’ll have to embroider the “S” again!  Hummm wonder how long that will take me?

My husband left for a Canadian fishing trip the day after I returned.  It’s been pouring rain the entire trip.  Every day he goes out on a boat in the ocean, rain pouring down and the wind blowing it in his face as he tries to catch the elusive Salmon. 3 days of fishing and he’s caught 1 fish.  This trip was expensive and if he doesn’t catch a fish today I’ve calculated that the salmon he caught will have cost $780 per pound. Oh wait!  I forgot to add in the cost of shipping it home.  He’s in a remote area and you have to helicopter in and out…25lb weight limit on luggage so the salmon will have to be shipped home.  I bet expensive salmon tastes better don’t you think?

To celebrate the end of the week and the fact that you’ve actually read this far in the post, Henrietta will be up on the web early on the 4th!  My newsletter also comes out on the 4th announcing my 25% off sale for three days only.  My BLOG readers can have a few days to shop before everyone else.  The coupon code to get the 25% off your order is July4.  25% off everything on my website!

I’ll be back on the 4th with Henrietta, and the first lesson of Sewing with Kids!  Have a great weekend!






  • Sandra

    I had a big laugh about your husband’s trip. I guess the important thing is did he have a good time. Sometimes that is all that counts. I am happy that you had a good trip despite the few mishaps. I guess these things happen to us because we are not always paying attention and doing multitasking . Blessings and hugs Sandra

  • ina

    Sorry to hear about the ‘expensive salmon’. :( Hope you had fun in Texas. Thanks for the sale. ;0 Happy 4th.

  • mimi'sdarlins

    Anne, I think this is the first post from you I’ve ever seen that was not positive and upbeat!! So I think you’re past due for a little complaining. I missed you, your blog is a ‘constant’, and I kept looking for an update, wondering why you weren’t posting and several days after you left realized that you had TOLD us you were leaving for TX, and I’d even left a comment on that post! So sorry that happened with your ‘S’, but this one sure turned out beautiful. Are you sure you can’t use it? I mean, it’s in the center of the quilt, and are the colors really that different? What if you embroider a little line around the border of the block (not on the seam line, but 1/4″ inside), maybe that would allow it to be different and look like it belongs? I’m always trying to find design opportunities in my little mistakes, sometimes accidents can be happy ones :)
    Anyhow, missed you and so glad you’re back and unharmed, despite the delays.
    p.s. I’ll give you my cell phone number so you’ll have one more person to call next time you have time to kill.

  • Louise Dowie

    Your husband must be in B.C. somewhere, as am I, and its rained here all spring, and, now, because of that, the mosquitos are out in full force. I hope your husband took some ‘Off’ with him!! It is a beautiful province, but the rain is rather trying sometimes. Hope he comes back when the sun is shining – there’s nothing like it then.

  • Gillian Dempster

    Oh dear how annoying, but you’re right, better before you are in the sky. I laughed about the fishing. My husband is an avid fisherman here in Australia and will go out aaaaall day. I have never seen what he sees in it, I think it is such a boring sport and I don’t even like fish that much. But I guess he finds it hard to understand why I would want to buy a piece of fabric, cut it into little pieces and then sew it up again. I suppose we are even.

  • Vicky

    Your “S” is beautiful. Maybe you can make a pillow out of it or frame it. Sorry to hear about your airport time. Only a pat-down would have made it worse!

  • Catherine Z

    Greetings from Northern Saskatchewan CANADA! Glad to hear he is up here in God’s country fishing! He should be over here lake fishing because the weather is BEAUTIFUL!

    Nancy C in Utah called her husband “DH”. What does that mean?


    • Susan

      DH is ‘net shorthand for Dear Husband. :) You will see that a lot, DD = Dear Daughter, DS = Dear Son, etc. :)

      Anne, love your fishing anecdote, it made the fishermen here smile! Your “S” is beautiful, I hope you find another use for it. :)

  • Andrea

    That is terrible about your Hubbies trip! I just moved from Port Alberni, on Vancouver Island, and my friends who have been fishing there have caught an incredible amount of fish. The salmon there seem to be everywhere! I hope he has better luck!

  • Diane

    Oh you answered my wish! I’m leaving for an 11-day cruise to Alaska on the 4th and so wished I could bring the July Henrietta Whiskers with me. Because you’re posting it early, I’ll be able to!! I’ll have to prepare it quickly (I’m hand appliquing her) but I will do it!! Thank you!

  • DeAnna

    Funny stuff.

    The “S” is gorgeous! Sorry you have to do it again, but I’m sure you can make something with the first one, too.

    Can’t wait to see the new Henrietta Whiskers block. :D

  • Nancy C. in Utah

    Anne, My hubby went on a 3 week fishing trip to Alaska about 25 years ago. However, there were five guys and they drove up. Rotating drivers they were there safely in 65 hours, camped in a big tent and fished on the river banks shoulder to shoulder during the Salmon run. Between the 5 of them, they brought home 125 salmon…BIG salmon. My hubby and one other guy had theirs quick frozen and kept on dry ice for the drive home. When he got here, several of the 25 fish that DH brought home were too big to fit in the freezer so we had to go get a new hacksaw and cut them in half. Here’s the real kicker…I don’t eat salmon, never have liked it, LOL. We ended up giving most of them away because due to the sheer size of just one, you had to have a cook out with 25 people to eat the darned things. He made lots of people happy that year I tell ya. Though his trip was no where as expensive as your hubby’s it was also rainy weather most of the 3 weeks they fished. They did have a wonderful time though, so it was worth it. Besides, I got a new sewing machine out of the deal…he thought he needed to bribe me to get my approval, LOLOL. Don’t EVER tell him that I would have given him my blessing regardless. *wink* Hugs…

  • Barb

    Oh Anne, this is just the best post – I laughed right out loud at the cost of the one (1) salmon your husband has caught (so far!). You are just so funny! Hopefully, he had a good time in spite of everything.

    Sorry about your 7 hour delay (you could have called me too, I would have loved to have talked to you!), but I’m so happy to know you had a great time once you got to Austin. Any pictures you would care to share with us?

    Now I’m going to go poke around your site and order something! Thanks so much. (and I’m looking forward to the next installment of Henrietta!)

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