

I’m leaving tomorrow for Texas and I’ll be spending time in Austin with friends!  I’m going to a girls retreat;  you know one of those sew, talk, sew, eat, and did I say sew?  I can hardly wait!  How long has it been since you’ve treated yourself to a little getaway time?  Maybe you should!  Get some friends together, find a place to visit and sew for the weekend.

So what am I working on?  I’m going to embroidery a beautiful “S” for the center of myConfetti quilt! My friend Nancy started making this quilt for me several years ago and she can’t finish the quilt until I’ve embroidered the center square.  She’s sewed together all these little nine patches as a present to me and they are sitting waiting for the “S” to arrive.   You’d think this was the Eiffel Tower I had to embroider, its taken me that long.

The end result will look very much like this, but I’ll have an “S” in the center!

All pink and white and yummy!

I can hardly wait to hang the quilt in my dining room !  How long can my fancy “S” take?  Hey, I have all weekend.

I’ll be back early next week.  Have a great weekend and I hope you get some fun sewing done too!




  • Jean

    All the way to Texas for a retreat! How fun is that? Our group has two retreats a year. Tahoe in November and the foothills near Sonora in February. We have so much fun that I wish we could have another mid-summer.

    Can’t wait to see the quilt when it is finished. The sample one is BEAUTIFUL!!

    Safe travels…

  • Barb

    Have a wonderful ‘girls weekend’! It does sound like so much fun. You can spill all the fun details to us when you return.

    That quilt is beautiful! Lucky girl.

  • mimi'sdarlins

    Oh, how fun, Anne! I love that confetti quilt, it looks so quaint :) I sure hope you can get that ‘S’ embroidered this weekend, or you won’t be able to face us when you return!

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