Home & Garden

Apricot Blossoms in Shades of Pink

I had spring fever yesterday so Brigette and I took an hour at lunch to drive around the orchards where we live.  The fruit trees are coming to life, the hills are green and the sky is so blue.  We drove the back roads through farmland.  It’s wonderful to see at this time of year!

The colors of nature are something to see.  To think that each of these little flowers will become apricots!

The pinks will become the colors of apricots.  Mother nature knows what she’s doing!  It would be fun to see the palette on a cloudy day.


I hope you are enjoying some signs of spring where you live.  It’s about time don’t you think?  I’m spending the weekend working on quilt designs.  I can’t wait to show you!

Have a wonderful weekend!




  • mimi'sdarlins

    Thanks for the great pics, makes me think there is still hope of seeing spring here once the mounds of snow finally disappear. This has been one LONG winter! Like you, I am always in awe of the cycle of the flowering plants, love watching them go from bud to flower to fruit. I’m picturing what a beautiful quilt the color blocks you shared would make….do I see a new line in the making? :-)

  • Pat

    It is so nice to see signs of spring, So far the only signs of spring that I am seeing is the daffodils are starting to peek their heads out of the ground. Your pictures are beautiful and surely makes me feel like spring is out there somewhere.

  • Kim

    Funny that you are all sick of winter and here I am in Australia so…….. sick of summer. It’s actually supposed to be autumn (fall). I just can’t wait for things to start cooling down. It has been a long hot (very humid) summer. Your photos are beautiful, I am definitely coming to America some day. Looking forward to your new designs! Kim, Australia

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