
Pillow Talk

I just found out that Lissa, our great leader has a blog post with a giveaway!    Go there now and sign up for her giveaway.  She doesn’t say what it is, but she is MODA!!!!  Hmmm, maybe I’ll sign up!

I’ve been designing with my new fabric line and I don’t have any fabric yet!  I’m still waiting for fabric to arrive so in order to get a head start I’m working digitally.  I use a software program called Adobe Illustrator and I can actually scan my drawings, trace them directly on my “oh so fancy Wacom monitor”, and insert the fabrics into the drawings.  It gives me an idea of what the actual quilt will look like before I’ve even sewn a stitch. Many of you asked me about what you saw on my monitor in the picture below (courtesy of Quilter’s Home Magazine)…

…You’re looking at a Wacom monitor and I can draw directly on it with a special pen.  When I’m not drawing I can use it as a regular computer monitor!  I love this monitor!  Love it!

Of course now I’m facing the other direction in the room and still loving it!  Some of you asked about my desk furniture…I bought it at Pottery Barn and it’s from the Bedford Collection.  The nice thing about this furniture is it’s so versatile.  You can easily re-arrange it into different layouts (such as facing my desk outward).

The cabinets you see are my old Horn sewing cabinets that I’ve had for years.  I updated them with new pink knobs.

Speaking of sewing rooms, did anyone see the show on Oprah TV called “Enough Already with Peter Walsh”?  be sure and watch it if you can find it in your area.  It will make you feel SO much better! Really! It’s about a Quilter and her all consuming stash.

Believe it or not we have a severe weather warning for our area of California!  They say snow could actually hit the ground here.  I live in farm country and many of the vegetables and fruits you find in your grocery stores come from our area.  The oranges and just coming into season and temperatures in the 20’s and 30’s could ruin them, not to mention the peach, apricot and cherry trees that are just starting to get leaves.  It’s going to be a sewing weekend I can just feel it!

Hope you’re having a great week!

Back soon!


  • Nancy C. in Utah

    Anne, Your studio looks so wonderful, I have to wipe the drool from my chin with a napkin every time you show pictures of it, LOL. I’m must say I’m not complaining because last July my hubby and I got a nice sewing room all set up for me and I have never had my own sewing space, never. Even when I made all my girls clothes and most of my clothes for work, I sewed in the living room and kitchen. I didn’t get to use my new room last year but this year I’m hoping for a very “Quilty” year. I’m really glad you have such great technology to do your designing on because I love your designs, so keep em coming! Boy, I hope you don’t get a freeze there. I’m lost when I can’t get sweet juicy oranges and lemons here. You have a wonderful evening and give all your furry babies a scratch for me. Hugs…

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