
More fluff and stuff

I’ll confess, I fell for it.  I believed Sandy Gervais could paint with her toes.  I spent about 3 minutes trying to imagine it and by that time I was at the end of her post.  If you are as gullible as me we could go together and buy the real estate she’s selling!  It’s not so far fetched because my DH can pick up pencils and things with his toes.  I’m not really proud of him for this trait but I didn’t find out about it until after we were married!

Today is Laurie & Jessi Jung day on Pillow Talk!   You’re in for a treat because everything they do is magical!  I love exploring their website looking at photos and patterns!  This  mother and daughter are so talented!  I’ve been told that Laurie does a lot of the design work for the home page on the the Moda website!

Tomorrow it’s Sweetwater another mother and 2 daughter team!  We get to have fun at market with them and Karla (mom) always makes me laugh.  Her smile is contagious.  I love to go to dinner with her she’s so much fun!

Barbara Brackman is on Thursday.  She’s had more influence on me than any other quilter or designer.  I use her Block Base software, and her book “Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns” is falling apart I’ve used it so much!

Deb Strain is on Friday.  I adore Deb!   Every market I buy my “lucky” notebook from her.  It’s the one I write all my secret ideas in and the notebook I can’t be without.  She designs the notebooks and sells them with her calendars and things at market.   Deb’s new to blogging so be sure and say hi!

Remember a few posts back I told you I was going to move my desk?  Here I am facing the wall and yes I look very happy but, for the longest time I’ve wanted to face the other direction; toward the center of the studio.  Well, with lots of help I’ve done it!

I’ve gone from this…

Photo courtesy of Quilter’s Home Magazine/Gregory Case Photography

…to this!   I now face out toward the center of the room!  My work station is on the left and Brigette’s work station is on the right!  (Brigette took Bitty Mouse over to her side when I was moving things.  She thought I wouldn’t notice.) Sorry for that awful black and silver printer…don’t you wish we could buy them in pretty colors like pink, red, yellow, or white?  I love my printer (it’s a Canon) but not the color.  I long for a designer printer!

Some close up photos…

Right next to my desk I hung this vintage basket I found in Minneapolis when we were shopping for market props.  Now I’m trying to figure out what to keep in it… I’m thinking I may try something decorative.  Maybe jars of buttons, fat quarters from my newest fabric line, balls of yarn, ribbons…just can’t decide!

Last but not least I’ll share my Valentine treat with you!  While some of you may get chocolate my husband knows what I like. He found these in the store already and this year they come in orange too!

Here’s the Pillow Talk links in case you need them…

February 15th … Laurie & Jessi Jung

February 16th … Sweetwater

February 17th… Barbara Brackman

February 18th … Deb Strain

February 19th … American Jane

February 20th … Primitive Gatherings

February 21st …Laundry Basket Quilts

Have a great day everyone!


  • Kristy in Ohio

    I am loving this whole Pillow Talk deal…but now to you and your gorgeous studio…..YOU know how to sew… you could create a printer cover…just like we make our sewing machine covers…you can do it in lovely pink. I will be waiting to see if you do it!! You know you can…you know you can!!!!

  • Loris Mills

    You will be jealous to know that I got pink heart Peeps yesterday! They were adorable, delish, and gone fast :-)
    Fortunately, Easter is just around the corner!
    PS Your studio is wonderful!

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