
Love those Jelly Rolls!

I’m in love with Jelly Rolls.  There’s just something so dang sweet about them!  Yesterday I went to the Moda web site and ta da!  My favorite Jelly Rolls appeared!  I was so surprised to see that Lily & Will were having coffee hot chocolate with Moda!

If you like to play with Jelly Rolls go to the Moda website for the new Jelly Roll Dream Challenge!  Here’s your chance to design a Jelly Roll quilt and win big!  Enter the contest and you might win a Janome sewing machine not to mention a lot of fame.    It’s “sew” easy and so much fun!  Remember you can download the fabric swatches for all the current lines on the Moda website then design away using graph paper or Electric Quilt.

I’m taking a little survey:  Are you a “waste not, want not kind of quilter” or is “time well spent” more important to you?   I have to admit I’m on the side of “time”.  I’m the one who loves to use pre-cut cream and white jelly rolls!  Forget cutting my own strips it’s just not for me.  I want to open the package and start sewing.  Which one are you?  Tell me in the comments and you could win a cream jelly roll along with a Lily & Will Jelly Roll!  I’ll tell you the winners on my next blog post!  (There is no wrong or right answer so be honest.)

Back soon!



  • Becky

    I HATE cutting fabric. I’m not sure why, but I only started my first jelly roll quilt last night. It was nice to skip cutting the strips. For me, it’s all about the time!

  • Robyn Brown

    I guess I’m in between. I LOVE to use precuts. It’s just so (sew)easy and fun. On the other hand I don’t like to throw any fabric away so I use up my scraps a lot.

  • Anita

    I really don’t like wasting fabric, guess that is why my scrap bin in bursting full. I just can’t bear to throw out scraps. I do like to save time but I think I dislike wasting fabric more.

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