Family & Friends

Who Put The Chicken in the Tree?

I live in an area filled with cherry, apricot, orange, fig, peach, apple, persimmon, and chicken trees.  Wait!  What did I just say?  Chicken trees?

Yes, chicken trees!  Brigette’s friends, Dan & Teresa were wondering what was happening to their persimmons.  Now they know!  These are their chickens in their persimmon tree! Photo courtesy of Dan & Teresa!

If I ever design a quilt with chickens in a tree you’ll know where I got the inspiration!

Counting down to 2011 with a smile!




  • Jennifer O.

    Wow I have lived in a farming community all my life and have never seen a chicken sit in a tree. I absolutly got a kick out of seeing that photo! And yes, it make a great block of the month piece. A French country or Americana theme could make it work. Take care Anne!

  • Julie

    I sent your pictures to my friend who has chickens and peacocks. She said her chickens will fly up into her fig tree! Too funny!
    Thanks so much for A Tisket/A Tasket (which I am finishing now) and Snowbound – only 3 blocks till I’m ready to put it together! They have been so much fun and are just darling, if I do say so myself! Happy New Year!

  • Sandy G

    Just when you think you have seen it all….TeeHee a CHICKEN tree!! Too funny! Can’t wait to see your “chicken tree” quilt pattern! :o)
    I would also like to say thank you for sharing your talent with us. The snowbound quilt has been so much fun (although I am not finished yet but soon).

    Happy New Year, Anne!

  • Barb

    Happy New Year, Anne! Thank you so much for sharing your talent and creativity with the rest of us this past year – you are definitely a very generous, and very gifted woman! Your readers are soooo lucky!!!

  • Ina

    Um, I would like to see how they got up there??!! Chickens can’t fly but they can jump around with their wings…would love to see it!

    Bad chickens!! Eating all the fruit. ;0

  • Carolyn Hosier

    Thank you for all of your creative ideas you have shared thoughout with us in 2010! I look forward to all of your fun posting and project in 2011.

    Blessing to you and your family Anne in 2011!


  • Barb

    Great photo!! Who would have guessed that chickens would love persimmons OR that you would find chickens in a tree??? Your comment and Nancy C’s comment about Chickens in a Persimmon Tree is a pretty creative idea. I guess it’s true – you just never know where you might find inspiration!! :)

    Another blogger posted recently about turkeys in their trees! What’s up with the fowl lately?????

  • Cynthia

    Yes, I do know about chickens in trees. LOL!

    Many years ago, my parents came home to find a chicken in the tree outside their side door. Now, they lived in a small town but they did not have any farms near them. They never did figure out where the chicken came from.

    What happened to the chicken? He disappeared. They thought the chicken had moved on but they did find a small pile of feathers in the yard so the chicken might have ended up as dinner. :-(

    Loved the picture!

  • Nancy C. in Utah

    Anne, I love the photo, LOL. Hmmm…Chicken Trees??? Does this mean there may still be hope that some day I will find Money in trees? Naw…what fun would that be anyway? Chickens in a Persimmon
    tree will make a much better quilt. *wink* Hugs…

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