

What are  fillers?  They’re photos you use when you don’t have time to blog!  Photos that make you think I’m still here when in actuality I’m  in the background working like a maniac to get ready for market.  Yep, that’s me the market maniac, along with many other designers I’m sure.

You may get more of these fillers this week. Can’t promise they’ll all be pink.  Maybe I’ll try another color.  Oh who am I kidding I don’t have any other colors!

I have  a new fabric line due for spring, quilts to get ready for this market, and patterns to write.   It’s always like this just before market.   But when you see what I call “fillers” you’ll know I’m still here.

I’ll do the giveaway soon for all you good guessers out there.  It’s a small little group so your odds are great.  If I remember right it’s around 140.  One in about 140 chance of winning!

I’ll be back soon I promise.



  • Nancy C. in Utah

    Anne, I love ALL of the filler pictures. I am in love with the Owl pin cushion…oh my gosh…so adorable! My mom used to collect owls, ceramic, hand made, any she could find. Oh how she would have loved that pin cushion!!! We lost her to breast cancer when I was 26 and I got a few of her small knic-knac owls and still have them displayed. And the polka dot boxes, fabric and floss! Well, who am I kidding? I love everything. I can’t even imagine how busy you are trying to get ready for market. I’m sure you don’t have enough extra time to stop and read these kinds of rambling posts…lol, sorry about that. Hugs!!!

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