
Don’t you love weekends?

I love weekends, and I love them even more when I don’t have plans.  I spent Saturday working in the studio and watching my favorite TV shows.  I’m working on my next block of the month and I’ll give you a little hint;  it’s a Christmas quilt.  Ahhh, you may think you have ENOUGH Christmas quilts.  I’m here to say this is not possible and I hope I can entice you into more applique.   There’s another little critter I love to draw almost as much as a bunny.   I’ve kept it a secret for a long time and I hope I see some smiles when you see it!  :>)  I love Christmas and I’ve been wanting to design this quilt for awhile, but I just had to wait for the perfect fabric to come along.  Thanks to Moda Fabrics I found it! 

Mooch loves it when I’m drawing.  She  makes herself comfortable right in the middle of my work.  Her favorite thing to do is lay on my drawings batting my pencil and  eraser onto the floor.  Good thing I love that cat.   And to think she’s covered up my drawings for these pictures!  She knows when she has to keep a secret!



As for Bitsy, she might be old but she has the blood work of a young dog.  The vet can’t find anything wrong.  She still won’t walk unless she REALLY wants something, or forgets that she can’t walk.   I’m actually carrying her on walks now, thinking the entire time how silly I am.  Chelsea and I walk while Bitsy is carried.  She does however, occasionally want down to sniff a bush or do her business.   She gets her teeth cleaned on Wednesday and then she just might be in better shape than me!  Don’t you wish you were a Bunny Hill dog?  I guess when you’re 14 1/2 in dog years you can pretty much get anything you want.  She looks at me with those eyes and I melt. 

My huband is getting better every day.  His right thumb still hurts at the knuckle.  Seems that was the most painful bite.  He did happen to pick up a pair of leather gloves to keep in the garage just in case. What can I say?  At least he has gloves now. 

As for the rescue kitty, I’m sorry to say it had to be put to sleep.  It’s back legs were severely infected and they think it had been run over by a car.  It was really in bad shape but at least it’s suffering has ended.  It didn’t have rabies.  Say a little prayer that it knows it was loved at the end.

Hope you are all having  a great weekend.  I forgot I have to get that darn laundry done today.  I hate doing laundry and I hate folding clothes.  If you have a way of getting out of doing laundry tell me now before I start!




  • Sheila Goff

    Hi Anne,
    Maybe Bitsy has arthritis. The Glucosamine really works. My Grand-dog has bad hips and it has done wonders for her..she loves to swim and hike with her daddy.
    I have a million dollar ten year old poodle, Babette. Since she is a diabetic and has cushings. Shots and pills twice a day. She doesn’t like to walk either, because she is blind and is afraid. I carry her out put her down she does her business and then stands to be pick up again…This has been going on for over a year now… I’m getting very good at it now. LOL We certainly love our animals..

    Hug your husband for all of us. He is very special. I’m glad he is getting better.
    Working on finishing the baskets….love, love, love your work.
    Sheila in Georgia

  • Mary T. Salmon

    Hi Anne:
    It was better putting that kitty to sleep than having him suffer alone somewhere. Hint: tell your huband that before he puts those garden gloves on to squeeze each fingertip of the gloves. Do this just in case a spider has gotten into the tips. I am so glad he is getting better. I do hope your next pattern is with kitties…

  • Yvonne Matthews

    Hi Anne,
    Thank you for your kind words about my dearest Barney, little Bailey is at my feet, but whilst he won’t be a replacement, I see so much of Barney in him!
    What a time you have had with your animal friends, I used carry Archie my Shih Tsu on walks so know just what it’s like, I am sure they know we are worried about them, your kindness to the puss cat won’t go unrewarded, they come into our lives & light it up, albeit for a brief moment, do hope your husband feels much better soon.
    Hoping your weekend goes well, Regards
    Yvonne NZ
    ps: I just hate laundry!!

  • Sue

    Not a big fan of laundry either. Glad to hear hubby is on the mend. And, I think Bitsy has trained you very well! Amazing how we humans can be trained so quickly by our 4-legged friends.

  • Diane

    Your husband’s a Saint. Anyone who puts himself in peril for a helpless animal is my hero. As for the ‘critter’ you’re making for your next Christmas (YAY!) BOM–I’d love to see a mouse or a kitty but anything at all you do is bound to please me. Can’t wait to see it unveiled!


  • Beth Friend

    Glad the hubby is healing and that so far Bitsy is checking out ok.
    I love all of your patterns and I am sure that I could use another Christmas quilt or two. LOL
    I fold my laundry in front of the TV, that distracts me from the folding process.

  • Vicky

    Very good news on Bitsy and your husband! Now, about Mooch — what kinda bribes will it take for her to move over just a tad in the next photo?! :)

  • Jean

    Oh, dear sweet little Bitsy! She deserves to be carried around, don’t you think? What a sweet little dear she is.

    I can’t wait to see your new quilt patterns. I tried blowing up the pictures, but that darn cat!!!! She should work for the CIA (Cat Intelligence Agency) ’cause she can sure keep a secret.

    I hate laundry, as well. I don’t mind washing, but the folding is the worse. My Mom loves to fold laundry for some silly reason and sometimes she comes over and helps. She’s 87 or I’d put her on a bus and send her over!
    Have a restful Sunday!

  • AnnieO

    That kitty on your desk reminds me of the one we had growing up. As soon as my dad got the Sunday crossword out and flipped on the lamp near his chair, she (Wally) would be on his lap desk GREATLY interfering with the solving!

    Bitsy is a lucky girl. I hope she remembers how to walk soon, though you are getting some exercise!

    Glad to hear no rabies, that would have been horrifying. Poor thing, it did know care in the end and was lucky to have been caught.

    Umm, my husband does the laundry.

  • Ina

    How to get out of doing laundry: tell hubby you CAN’T fold laundry if you’re holding Bitsy and we all know what Bitsy wants, Bitsy gets! ;0

  • cheryl in kansas

    Hi Anne….my 12 yr old Maltese started walking on 3 legs..after 2 trips to vet, he wanted to do an x-ray but had to put him under soooo while he was out I had his teeth cleaned….so, my thought is maybe they could do xray of Bitsy’s leg while he is getting teeth cleaned. Duncan (the Maltese) has to take an anti-inflammatory daily. Following his x-rays he was supposed to have “bed rest for 6 weeks”….have you tried keeping a dog who loves to wrestle with the other dog down for 6 weeks????? I gave up!!!

    Stray kitty update…..he has now moved into the garage…still runs from me but only a little ways. At least he will be sleeping “indoors” this winter….and who knows I still have 5 months to get him to come in the house!

    enjoy the rest of your weekend….

  • Amanda M.

    Hi Anne – Sorry to hear about Bitsy, although I am glad the bloodwork came back free and clear! Did your vet say anything about maybe Miss Bits needing something like Glucosamine/Chondrotin supplement? She may have arthritic hips/legs. I know of several dogs who have had this issue, and the Glucosamine supplement has always helped. You can even get it in doggy treats at the store!
    Take care,

  • Nancy B from Many LA

    Glad hand recovery is coming along. Poor rescue kitty – at least it’s last days were loved. We have 5 dogs, 4 are rescues (they were dump-offs/throwaways). We found a little bitty dog about a year ago under a car. We think our trashball neighbors put him in our yard because they know we’re softies. He was crippled and starving. Took him to the vet the next day, he had an infected leg too. We had to put him to sleep too. I cried so hard. I’m starting to cry again, and that’s what I tell myself – he was loved at the end….

  • Mary Ann

    I do love holiday quilts and don’t think you can ever have enough of them. And if its moda I’m sure to love the fabric line. Glad everyone doing well and thank goodness you hubby did rescue the poor kitty, how it must have been hurting, now its in peace.

  • Leslie Legros

    Hi Anne!
    When you have a minute, I’d be pleased if you would look at my (new) blog. My friend and I completed your Catch a Christas Star quilts and just had them shown in the non-judged portion of our local quilt show.
    We love your patterns. My friend, a newbie quilter, found your instructions perfect and appreciated all the measurements came out perfect! She didn’t have to fudge or unsew any part.
    I’m just finishing the Tisket a Tasket BOM.
    Love your patterns, and love your blog!
    Take care, Leslie

  • Andrea

    so glad to hear Bitsy and hubby are doing well! That’s great that you’re getting Bitsy’s teeth done too. Perhaps after the anesthetic, she’ll forget that her leg ‘hurts’ =)
    vet-Andrea =)

  • Anne Marieke

    Great news, Anne! Can’t wait to see what you come up with next.

    Good news about your husband and hopefully your doggie will suffer from very slight amnesia after the teeth cleaning business and will walk again as normal.

    Back to work on Le Jardin now. These projects are so much fun!

  • Cara

    Could one of the kitties whisper the fabric line? that would be ever so nice of them!

    One of my pups just had to go through a work up, couldn’t find what was causing him to get sick, to the point of dehydration but he seems to be better now.
    I hope your hubby’s hand heals well, it’s too bad the poor kitty had to be put to sleep, but I agree with you about it’s suffering.

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