
Quilter’s Home Magazine Comes to Visit!

Back in March of this year, Quilter’s Home Magazine sent out a photo stylist and photographer to take pictures of my home and studio.  Gregory Case and his wife Elena, work together as a team.  I’ve known them for years so it was a fun photo shoot, and of course their pictures are wonderful!

Pick up the current issue (August/September) of “Quilter’s Home” and you’ll see the fabulous job the editors at Quilter’s Home did.  You’ll find out what my favorite cookie is, AND why I have this Goose Feather Farm sign in my studio, along with other tidbits you might not know about me.

I used the photo shoot to get my husband to complete all the projects I’ve had on my list for the past year.  It’s so great to be able to say “Honey, Quilter’s Home is coming in two weeks, do you think you could work on that list”?  He cleaned the front porch, the back yard, washed windows, touched up wall paint, helped me hang new quilts and even polished my silver pencil holders.  Amazing, that man!

You’ll get a tour of my home and studio. The picture below is our family room.  Chelsea and Bitsy are in one of their favorite spots.  Mine is on the day bed with Chelsea.  I usually relax with my Ipad every evening and read a book or play with the Ipad apps.  Mooch claims the vintage garden planter behind the couch as her favorite spot.  The planter is filled with quilts and I keep an old one on top so washing off cat fur is easy.  (Oh the things we do for our pets!)   Hubby gets the couch. 

As for the Bitsy/Huband update:

Husband is doing better.  Some of the redness and swelling is down a bit.  He had his last shot today. He says the shots hurt so much they actually add Novocain to the antibiotic shot!  Oh baby,  I don’t want to ever have those! 

His thumb has so many punctures the Dr. said he may have to have some physical therapy.  He’s supposed to be holding it up and moving it, but of course he can’t really move it because of the swelling.   Reminds me of playing finger puppets. 

Bitsy went back to the vet today.  She hates a visit to the vet, shakes the whole time and of course looks like I’ve beaten her. She wouldn’t walk, not even when I left the room.  She just stood in the corner and shook.  Her leg looks fine in the x-ray and they are running some blood work to rule out other things.  Our Veterinarian mentioned neurological, spinal, thyroid etc.  I’m leaning toward very smart dog who knows how to make me jump.  Hope I’m right. 

I recorded her on my IPhone. She was talking and carrying on like you can’t believe and I played it for the vet.  Oh my gosh that little dog has something to say.  Wish I knew what it was!  We’ll see what the tests tell us.  In the meantime here’s my new motto:

Back soon!



  • Sue

    Loved the article. Had to have the magazine when I found out it featured your studio.

    So happy your poor husband is doing better. Give him lots of TLC! He deserves it. And, hope they find out what is going on with Bitsy. Wonder if they have chiropractors for dogs? Anyway, hope both your patients are well and on the mend soon.

  • Robin Gold

    Hi Anne, you said your husband had the last of the shots. Was that the rabies vaccine? or just for the physical damage the stray cat did? You didn’t mention whether the tests came back on the cat for rabies, but just to ease your mind a bit, my husband, daughter, and I all had to go through the rabies series about 10 years ago (because we woke up to a bat in the house), and although they were uncomfortable, it wasn’t nearly as bad as I’d heard. Might be even easier now. Anyhow, best wishes to your husband — he is a softie (as is mine), and that’s a very good thing! (even if he didn’t exactly get rewarded for this particular time). I hope Bitsy’s doing better, too!! Best wishes, Robin

  • Joanne Moore

    Hi Anne,
    I say you are experiencing the Dog Days of Summer. Not sure what that saying really means but I labeled my week just that 2 weeks ago. My son had his wisdom teeth pulled on a Wednesday morning. By the time we got home, finished the gauze biting/spitting thing, iced up and he was knocked out on the pain meds, my cat Elliot walks up to me with his head split open. Of course it was right before the vet closed so they told me to bring him in 7:30 the next morning. As they diagnosed on the phone it was an abcess from a cat bite from a fight he had participated in a few nights back. So $350 later and a bag of pain syringes later, I was to apply warm compresses to this open wound twice a day as well as keep my son on his antibiotics, salt water rinse, ice bags and his pain meds. By Sunday my dog Lydia started with a runny tummy. My dear husband had the luck to get up before me on Monday morning to discover the disaster in our family room she caused during the night…thank goodness for tile. So $300 later that morning I was sent home with Lydia the wonder dog, and 3 different meds. My kitchen counter was lined up with bottles galore. Son, cat, dog, son, cat, dog Son..etc. I started to think I should be putting hot compresses on my head as well. On top of that my other cat, 14 yr. old Stewart William was scheduled for his rabies shot so that was a minor adventure to add to our activities. I share this with you to let you know you are not alone in this crazy world of animals. Thus I had just finished thinking that this must be what it means to experience the dog(cat) days of summer and then read your blog. Fortunately I can report everyone here is healed and tomorrow Lydia can start on regular dog food again. She did loose a few pounds. (Wish I would..HA) I hope your husband will feel better with each day. That sounds very painful. What we do for animals!!! Hopefully your pup is medically fine and just knows how to rule the kingdom. Good luck and much patience.
    Look forward to seeing the magazine.

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