Home & Garden

Thatched Roofs and so much more!

When I remember the Cotswolds, I’ll think of two lane country roads, rolling green hills, thatched roof cottages, small villages, grazing sheep on hillsides, English country gardens with cobblestone paths and wonderful little pubs with great food and friendly people. I left a piece of my heart in the Cotswolds.

We rented a car, and once we got used to driving on the opposite side of the road, we were off to the countryside!  We spent 3 wonderful days getting to know the area.  We stayed at a bed and breakfast called Gowers Close and it was absolutely charming!  The building is from the 1600’s and still exists in its original glory.  I felt like I was in the home of friends, and the couple who own it were delightful hosts.  They have a true English Garden that is a little piece of heaven.  To sit in the garden, listen to the birds, and enjoy a cup of tea was so relaxing!  I left feeling refreshed and inspired.

The thatched roofs were amazing to see.  I learned that they have to be re-thatched every 30 years on average and it’s very, very expensive.  The B & B is getting ready for some repair work on their roof, and the repair will cost $25,000.  To do the entire roof will run about $70,000!  Can you imagine?  A scaffolding is built around the entire building before work can begin.  When finished, the thatched roofs are covered in wire to keep the birds from tearing them apart.

Here’s one bird who might be thinking about the wire.  But don’t worry.  There are so many flowers and plants  he’ll find some delicious treats to eat.  We saw hundreds of beautiful flowers throughout the Cotswolds.

Be still my heart!  I want an English Garden in my own back yard.

When we were leaving one of the more formal “tourist” gardens, I spotted a bit of whimsy!  You know how I love that whimsy!

It’s a grass smiley face!

Have a great weekend everyone!  If you’re out and about pick up the August issue of “Quilter’s Home” magazine.  I’m the featured designer and I’ll be sharing some photos soon!





  • Els Lunenberg

    Hi Ann,

    I share your love for this part of England!
    A few years ago I was there with a friend on Garden tour.
    It’s amazing and I fell in love with the fine country side and all the beautyful gardens.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs from Els.

  • Julia

    Hello Anne,
    oh, the pictures are beautiful! The really make me wish to visit the Cotswolds, too, someday!
    I love the B&B – I could move in directly ;o).
    I’m so happy for you to have had such a great journey…

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