
A Tisket A Tasket Quilt Show!

When I designed “A Tisket A Taske” I had no idea how many of you would participate in the fun!  You’ve made me so happy!   It’s amazing to see your wonderful quilts as they are completed and I hope you continue to send me photos throughout the year!  I’m saving them all in a file so every once in awhile I can post them here for everyone to enjoy!  Today is one of those show and tell days!  If I’ve shown any of these before don’t tell me.  Just enjoy!

From Anita van de Spek comes this amazing mixture of “A Tisket A Tasket”  blocks combined with basket blocks.  The setting astounds me!  Why didn’t I think of this?  See how creative she is?  AMAZING!!  My little blocks have taken on an air of sophistication!  Oh la, la, and thank you Anita!

Diane Ruby sent me this wonderful version of her A Tisket A Tasket that she entered in her local quilt show.  She won second place!  A Red Ribbon now hangs with her quilt!  Congratulations Diane!  Your applique is wonderful and so is the quilting!  You’ve made me a proud bunny!  Thank you!!

And look at this cutie with the bright yellow background from Enga in Germany!  The background sets the stage and the applique makes it perfect.  Oh Enga, I am in love with yellow and you’ve used it so brilliantly!  Combined with the brown sashing and cute little hearts, it’s adorable!

From Elli Wiebking comes this little beauty.  It’s just so, so pretty.  I love how she made all the baskets from the same fabric. And the colors, her wonderful colors!  If the applique and the colors don’t grab you that quilting is amazing.  It’s just perfect for the quilt.  It adds so much without being overpowering.  What a beautiful quilt Elli!  Thank you so much for sharing!  Enlarge this photo everyone so you can see how beautiful the quilting is!

And to Carol on my Flickr group I gasped when I saw your quilt.  It is just wonderful!  The colors, the sashing, the applique, the quilting, and did I mention the colors?  Oh my, I LOVE this quilt! Carol I’m giving you a blue ribbon!  You can see more of this quilt on my Flickr group.  Just click on the link on the bottom right column!

And last for today, but NOT least is Monica, our little Happy Zombie!  She’s the one who made Moda yellow dottie all the rage.  The one who made me buy dots and add them to my web site.  The one I said in 2008 was the most upcoming designer.  The one who proved me right!  She’s amazing!   Just look at this quilt! Again I’m asking myself, why didn’t I think of that?

If you’d like to make the original “A Tisket A Tasket”, with almost all the same fabrics I used, you can buy it here from Shabby Fabrics! You’ll also find a kit for “Rabbits Prefer Chocolate” that is so close to the original I can hardly tell them apart!  Don’t you love this world we call quilting?

And there you have it for today.  I’ll be back tomorrow with a new block for Snowbound!




  • Martha Novacek

    Carol’s quilt is just “over the top” awesome. She’s really got some designer talent in her. Just like my sister she can create some amazing color combinations and designs at the same time. My favorite!


  • Paula Rotert

    Hi, I saw this adorable BOM on a quilt at a quilt show in NJ. I saw that it was a BOM and from your website. How do I get the pattern? Of course I will join your blog. Your designs are always so cute. I haved wanted to do a quilt with them for so long now. Perhaps, this will be the start. Thank you for all your time and talent!

    Paula jo Rotert

  • Carol Bornsheuer

    When looking over the places I like to visit, I came across this post on your fun blog. Wow- I thank you so much for your lovely comments on my quilt and for those of your followers. It was such fun doing this quilt and you are a great designer. I am saving the snowmen and plan to do them later on. Such fun to see the different layouts of the blocks. Thank you, Anne, so very much. Carol

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