
Countdown with a little help from my best friends!


It’s countdown week at Bunny Hill.   Everything that we’ve been working on for the past six months has to be pulled together for market.   We’re getting ready for a photo shoot this week, booth poles have to be ordered, things come out of the garage for shipping, patterns have to be finished, barcodes assigned, and there’s printing to be done.   To say it is hectic is an understatement. 

I have lists and more lists. It’s to the point where I can’t find my lists. Last minute sewing is still being done and we’re getting ready to graph out our booth.  Oh baby it’s crazy here!   

In the middle of all this insanity my pets are the one thing that keep me sane!  No matter how crazy it gets, they are always there with a tail wag, a snuggle, or a little lick to let me know things are going to be OK. 

This bassinet is waiting for a new skirt.  Chelsea thought it was pretty great.  We couldn’t resist, we put her in, she laid right down and made herself comfortable.  She really liked that Snuggle fabric from Moda!  Once the skirt is done and we start packing the bassinet, she’ll know that something’s up. 

Bitsy’s by my side morning and night.  She knows something’s up but she’s not sure what.  She’s  looking at me with that look;  the one that says “what’s up mom”?  When the suitcases come out in a few weeks they’ll both know it’s happening again, mom’s leaving.  Funny how pets are in tune with us isn’t it?  Oh if I could only take them to market with me! 

And to think the 5th of March May will be here soon!  It’s almost time for another “Snowbound” block and I think I forgot to post my last one on Flickr!  Oh my goodness we are busy!  I’ll catch up after market I promise. 

If you’ve been patiently waiting for a “Snowbound” kit, we finally have them available on our web site!  The kit has all the fabric you’ll need for the quilt, including the backing.  We’ve even included the embellishement kit.  I have to say it’s pretty cute!  The only thing you’ll have to buy is the embroidery floss!

 My own “Snowbound” quilt  is at the quilter’s this week and before I sent it off I took this picture.  It’s a sneak peek of the border just for my blog readers!   


Since this week is so crazy here, I won’t have much time for posting.  It’s a good time for me to show you some wonderful quilts from “A Tisket, A Tasket”.  Wait until you see these cuties!  I’ll show you in my next post.




  • Linda

    Your pets are adorable. Every time I leave for a show or retreat, my pets try to get into my suitcase. I miss them away, but find that absence really does make the heart grow fonder, on both sides of the fence.

  • mimi'sdarlins

    That’s a great border for Snowbound, I can hardly wait to see the May block! The kit is darling, too. Can’t you sneak Chelsea and Bitsy into one of your Market bags? Just tell them not to bark, and no one will be any the wiser :-)

  • Debra

    I really think that Chelsea is so adorable in the bassinnet that she should have one of her own. You could even decorate it with some fancy pink dog bones at the ruffle ;-).

    I hope you have a great time at market! I know that everyone will love your fabrics & products as much as we do. Your hands are going to be sore from taking all those orders!

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