Family & Friends

Come along with me!

Thank you for all the comments on my last post.  I loved reading them!  We’ve traveled down this road called quilting together, and I feel like each of you is a special friend.  Come along on this new Moda journey with me!  I’ll be sharing things that happen along the way, giving you tips, tutorials, sneak peeks, a few giveaways and so much more!   The destination is Moda, and the fun will be in the journey!

Yesterday the studio was chaotic.  Quilts are coming and going, their names are changing so fast I can’t remember what quilt is what, patterns are getting written and I’m planning our booth space for Minneapolis quilt market!  And yet in the middle of the chaos, things are still normal for some in the studio!

Do any of you live in Minneapolis and happen to have a handyman husband or know a good carpenter?  I need two walls built for my booth at International Quilt Market coming up in May.  Do you know someone who can help?  Please, please email me!  If you live in the Minneapolis area, love sophisticated chic, know where to look for vintage things, and would be willing to help, please email me.

For those of you who might be crocheting away, I’m still picking up that needle too, whenever I can.  It’s not perfect and I’m a bit embarrassed to show you, but remember it’s been years since I’ve crocheted.  Had a bit of trouble changing colors, and I can see one row is wrong…not sure what I did. I’m determined this will become a throw so I’m sticking with it.  I’ll keep you posted on my progress.  Anyone know what I did wrong to get that “ridge” across the darker pink?  I can expect to get better as I go along don’t you think?

I’m going back to work while it’s still March.  April is just a few days away!

Have a  great day.  I’ll be back soon!



  • Beverly

    Hi Anne,

    Your crochet project caught my eye! My mom was a crocheter (sp?) and I inherited her hooks. In ’08 I started playing around with them. I bought a real simple “how to” book at the craft store. I am still a beginner but do encourage you to keep at it. It just takes a lot of practice (at least for me). I couldn’t say for sure, on your work, but I know I made the mistake of doing single crochet instead of double crochet or vice versa before I caught on to what was what. I would advise to just leave that row in there–doesn’t look bad–just a different stitch. I actually like going back to my old work and see how I have come along with time. I think your colors are lovely and you have a great start. You know the addage “practice makes perfect” and that is why your quilting work is soooo beautiful!! I say keep up the good work, Anne!

    Beverly in WA

  • mimi'sdarlins

    Yes, I think that one row looks tighter than the others, so I agree with what the others said. But I doubt it will be noticeable on a large throw, so I would just keep on going! This is going to be a gorgeous throw in pinks! I haven’t crocheted in years either and keep wanting to do something in soft colors for the daybed, like maybe the old fashioned granny squares, remember those? Maybe you’ll inspire me to pick up the ol’ crochet hook again :-)

  • Kathleen

    Yes, you have a ridge because you changed how you were putting your crochet needle through the loops. They ladies are correct, it looks like you were going through both and then just did one, but you don’t always have to go through both. As a design choice- another time-you can just decide to go through just the “back loop” or just the “front loop” and enjoy the lines you get on the pattern. Consistency is the key.
    I find crochet very forgiving.No one else will see it when you get it all done.

  • Dandelion Quilts

    Hi Anne, I was digging thru my printed copies of your wonderful Tisket a Tasket free BOM because I am going to my friend’s house to sew. I was hoping she’d have time to help me learn applique. But, I seem to be missing block 4….and I cannot find the link anymore. Is there anyway I could get a copy of that month yet? Thanks, Kris

  • rachel

    maybe you can contact miss heather mulder peterson.
    they live in minnesota & her hubby is real handy.
    he’ll probably be at market setting up her booth anyways.
    just a thought.

    can’t wait to see you again.

  • Vicky

    I’ve always pined to go to Market, but never more than this one — for your debut with Moda! I can’t even imagine how excited you are! We want tons of pictures, and lots of teaser pics beforehand!

  • Kim in NC

    Dang I wish I lived in Minneapolis – not a few months ago when it was snowing, of course, but now that Anne will be there, I do. Well good luck and I’ll be reading along. Watch out for Pam Kitty!

  • Piecefully, Pam

    GOOD for you for sticking with your crocheting! It’s a little sanity that you can take anywhere quite easily! So what if you went in one loop and not both!? Just like quilts, we are oh so quick to point out our mistakes! I had to REALLY look (twice!) to see what you were talking about. Once the throw is completed that small mistake will go unnoticed. And YES, you will continue to improve. ; ) You have SO…SEW much going on in your life, relax and enjoy your hook and yarn!

  • Marcia

    Good luck on your newest venture. I posted some little bunny buttons with a link to your blog today, they always make me think of all your pretty quilts.

  • Stefanie

    Ohhh the pink is delicious!

    I can’t wait to follow you on your MODA journey. It will be a wonderful ride!

    BTW-It is me Stefanie (thequiltbuddy). I have a new name and blog.

    Have fun with all of the pink!

  • Jean

    I can’t wait to see all the new goodies you have planned. Good luck finding help in Minneapolis. I’m sure a blogger will come through. They always do!

  • cheryl in kansas

    welllll….u’m past the crochet stage in my life altho i do wish i could make some of those cute cats like i sent you BUT i am sooo into my cats and dogs and loved the pics of Chelsea and Mooch…just love that gray cat. And my stray is slowing getting used to me…at least he doesn’t run off as fast!!! n Can’t wait for your new fabric……

  • Ina

    For the first time in my entire life I wish I lived in muggy Minneapolis so I could help Bunny Hill get her booth ready! Shoot!!

    Anne, try Craig’s List. It’s organized by region/city/category. You should be able to get a reliable handy man.

    For the gathering of pretty odds and ends, you might need to send Brigitte out in a rental car. Before you leave, the two of you can do a search on google to find 2nd hand stores, Target, World Market, Joann’s. Call a few weeks before hand to verify the businesses are still open and the address and the hours.

    Mapquest the locations to figure out which locations are closest to each other and of brief driving distance. If you can borrow someone’s GPS you can put all the addresses in them before Brigette heads out on her Walkabout for Bunny Hill’s booth!!

    May the force be with Bunny Hill! ;0

    p.s. don’t forget the light saber just in case!

  • Pam P

    Hi Anne ~ I’d say just add a few more blocks with “mistakes” in them and tell everyone you did it that way on purpose to “add more visual interest”. Ha ha!

  • Sivje Parish

    I will be reading along for the ride.
    Wish I could help you with your crochet or knitting, but those are foreign languages to me and I so wish I knew how to speak them.
    But the colors are lovely and look very cozy.

  • Loris Mills

    oh man…these are gorgeous. Do I need to go buy yarn now? I thought I just got my fabric addiction under control…there will be no money left for food! jus’ kidding…but these yarns look beautiful! I might really have to check them out :-)

  • Patrice

    Hi Anne! Your crochet work is PRETTY! Yep, that little ridgy thingy is where you just picked up one loop, not both. My advice, pull it out and redo it. It won’t take you long, it’s easy, straight crochet work. If you don’t, it’ll bug the bejeezus outa you forever, every time look look at the gosh darn thing from here on in, so get rid of it ~ you won’t be sorry! Otherwise, it’s pretty! Is that Rowan handknit cotton that you’re using?? I love it, my very favorite :)

  • Suzy

    Can’t wait!

    As for the crochet…looks about how mine would if I picked up crocheting again after xx amount of years. I think you crocheted through only one loop instead of both. Great job though! Keep at it! :o)

  • Diane

    I’m originally from Minneapolis (my heart remains there — my sister is still there) and now live in the Central Valley of California. Sure wish I could sneak into one of your suitcases and go with you! (I would need to lose a few pounds first, I’m afraid.) So excited for all the new things that are happening for you — looking forward to what’s coming!

  • Stephanie

    If Quilt Market is ever in Columbus give me a call. Love vintage thingies and have a handy hubby. :o) I think the normality is what keeps us sane. I know your booth will be a sweet and wonderful as your blog.

  • Mary

    I really hate to sound the way this might sound (does that make sense?) but it’s a hook not a needle and you crocheted (not knit) in one loop instead of 2. The colors are lovely and when it’s all done and you’re cuddled up in it … it will be wonderful!

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