Photography,  Studio

Photo Shoot

Since the photo shoot last week, and the sweet treats that arrived in the mail, my life has been turned upside down. 

Quilter’s Home magazine was here to take photos of my house for an upcoming issue. NOT just the studio, but the whole house! They were everywhere and it took hours and hours.  Luckily for me, the photography team were my good friends Gregory and Elena.  They are wonderful to work with!

If you haven’t seen a photo shoot before, it’s amazing to watch. There are cords everywhere, lights all over, multiple tripods, not to mention the photographers doing their staging thing.  Mooch wanted in every photo.  At one point we had to lock her up just to keep her out of the pictures.  It was hysterical.  And then when I thought they couldn’t possibly take anymore pictures, they wanted pictures of me! I was so tired at the end of the day I just fell into bed.  Mooch too!

You’ll be seeing the professional photos in Quilter’s Home so you’ll have to wait to be surprised.  I think it’s going to be in the September issue, but I’m not sure yet. I’ll keep you posted.

While they were photographing I started thinking about how I don’t normally show my corner of the studio.  This is really where I spend most of my time and maybe you need a  peek.   This is my favorite corner.  It’s where I’m surrounded by pets and where I do most of my design work.  Yes, it’s a bit messy, but has to be when I’m working!  

I’m always at the computer, with Chelsea on one side, Mooch on the other and see the dog bed on the floor?  That’s where Bitsy sleeps.   Isn’t that the “Snowbound” quilt hanging over the chair?  If you look really close you might get a peek at those treats that I got in the mail. Oh I am so bad!

I’ll be talking about those soon in my next post…

Back soon!



  • Ina

    Okay, I had to click on the picture to ENLARGE it….I saw Chelsea to the left and Mooch to the right…scanning…scanning and THEN I SAW IT! You’re too hard on us….I see the stack of Moda jelly rolls just barely showing a glimpse to the right foreground of the picture. ;0

    So much effort and then foiled again by Moda secrets! ;0 Big sigh….I guess we have to wait.

  • Sunny

    If I had an area that beautiful to work in, I would NEVER come out! You may have just inspired me to get out my paintbrush. Will you come help meto a room makeover?

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