
Sewing Day!

I’ve had two days of sewing help in the Bunny Hill Studio.  It’s been exciting to see what we can get done when we work together. 

The studio has gone from this…

To this…

…in a matter of minutes.  Here’s Nancy sewing together the “Snowbound” quilt.  It’s so cute , I hope you love it!   She finished it early and now it’s over at Ellie’s for the border applique.    I can’t believe I’m showing you this messy photo.  I mean really, the bathroom door is open and we’re ironing in the bathroom!  This is what happens when you add people to a studio! 

Meanwhile Robin is sewing together strips of jelly roll fabric…she’s on a roll so to speak!

Robin’s coming back today to sew more strips together!  Soon we may have a quilt!  A real quilt! I have stations set up in my studio so more than one person can cut and sew.  Think about how messy your sewing room gets when you’re working away.  Then triple it and you get the idea of what my studio looks like right about now.   I have to say it’s so much fun!  I love my Bunny Hill helpers! 

Next week I’ll show you some photos of it cleaned up. “Quilter’s Home” magazine is coming for a photo shoot.  I’m not telling them about the iron in the bathroom.  A quilter’s gotta do what a quilter’s gotta do!  We can work anywhere right?   

Hugs everyone!  It’s back to work!  I’m going to sew on my pink featherweight today!



  • Sarah Buckalew

    I love your sewing room and the pink Featherweight. I have a black Featherweight that needs work but I love it. Thanks for sharing a piece of your life with others.

  • Nancy C. in Utah

    Anne, I have just been wandering through the wonderland of your blog. Sooooooo fun to go back and catch up on some of the things I missed before I ‘found’ you! I have a question concerning your Featherweight. First a little background…I’m and experienced seamstress but I have only been quilting for a little over 2 years. I was of course addicted after making my first block. Before I was diagnosed with Scleroderma and Periphiral Neuropathy, and while they searched for what was ailing me, I started losing the ability to do the delicate crocheted doilies and intricate counted cross stitch I loved. The feeling in my hands got all messed up. But the point is not that I am ill, but the fact that I have problems now that prevent me from the hand work. My sewing machine had also been stored away for over 12 years while my hubby and I raised our two oldest grandchildren. Like your iron in the bathroom, (giggle), I had beds everywhere EXCEPT the bathroom. So after this ‘second family’ grew up and moved out, and we knew that my problems were permanent, my hubby could see how badly I was missing doing something creative. He brought my machine out of storage and my sister in law said, “Let’s make quilts” and lo and behold I learned I could do everything, including bindings on my machine. (See, when God closes a door, he indeed opens a window and quilting was the one he opened for me)! But I also have trouble lifting my heavy sewing machine to take to a class or sewing group, so I have been looking at Featherweights on ebay and other sites but haven’t found one in my price range yet that doesn’t need a lot of work. I read a lot about them on line but the few ladies I have met that own one, just use them as decorations in their sewing rooms! Now…you said in this post “I’m going to sew on my pink featherweight today!” I really do want to get one. Do they sew really well? Should I keep looking? Are they as wonderful as I have been lead to believe they are? Okay, I’ve rambled enough for today. I will let you go after one more question. How is your hubby’s hand and how is Bitsy feeling? Hugs coming to you.

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