• The Weigh-In

    The weigh-in is tomorrow.  No, not for me, for her… Chelsea has a weigh-in at the vet tomorrow, and we start preparing for it a week in advance. It’s kind of like Weight Watchers. You know the weigh-in is coming,  so you cut back for a few days.  I hope the bow doesn’t add ounces to the scale.  She’s wearing…

  • Why I Love My Cat

    It’s early in the morning: the sun hasn’t come up, just a desk light on next to my computer.  The studio is quiet. I’m checking emails and catching up on things left undone from the night before. I suddenly realize my sweet cat, with the awful name (Mooch) has come to keep me company.  She’s been there for awhile, before…

  • Burrr, Is it cold where you live?

    It’s February 5th and I’m ready with block number two of  “Snowbound”.  We’re going skiing!  Might seem a little strange if you live in Australia, but here in the United States, many cities are covered in snow and freezing! Our little snowman doesn’t care about the cold.  Cold means snow, and snow means fun! You’ll find the blocks in two places;…

  • Tomorrow I’ll Be More Organized…

    Tomorrow I’ll be more organized, less cluttered, more on top of things and finished with all my projects.  HA!  I’ve been saying this to myself for months.  Isn’t working.  Hard as I try I can’t get ahead.  Do you find yourself in the same situation?  Well I’ve found a great blog that can help us.  It’s called Unclutterer!  She has somereally great tips. …

  • Another pink post

    I am the queen of shopping, just ask my husband.  He’s given me the title, but he’s a bit biased.  I should hesitate to accept, but I can’t help it.  I love the title!  It should come with a tiara that I can wear when I greet the UPS man. So there I was last weekend, the “Queen of Shopping”…

  • American Patchwork, Vicki & Me

    The journeys we take in life, always seem to bring unexpected pleasures.  Those little things we never anticipate.  Sweet surprises that can’t be predicted or even thought of when we start the journey.  Amazing, is the word I use for these little pleasures.  When I started designing, I never anticipated the friendships I would find along the way.  I was focused on…