• Look what I found!

    Look what I found!  It’s a blog that links to me AND I’ll be darned if she isn’t having a giveaway of Snowbound blocks!  Not just Snowbound blocks, but Snowbound blocks in redwork!  Leave a comment on her blog and you could win these blocks! Hurry, she’s picking a winner tomorrow morning!  Think what you can do with these blocks!  She doesn’t…

  • Don’t you love weekends?

    I love weekends, and I love them even more when I don’t have plans.  I spent Saturday working in the studio and watching my favorite TV shows.  I’m working on my next block of the month and I’ll give you a little hint;  it’s a Christmas quilt.  Ahhh, you may think you have ENOUGH Christmas quilts.  I’m here to say this is…

  • Quilter’s Home Magazine Comes to Visit!

    Back in March of this year, Quilter’s Home Magazine sent out a photo stylist and photographer to take pictures of my home and studio.  Gregory Case and his wife Elena, work together as a team.  I’ve known them for years so it was a fun photo shoot, and of course their pictures are wonderful! Pick up the current issue (August/September) of “Quilter’s Home” and you’ll see…

  • Stumbling Blocks

    Life has a way of throwing in a few stumbling blocks every now and then just to see if we can get past them.  This past week has been so chaotic I’m here to report I’m not doing very well.  I’m falling over blocks! My old dog, Bitsy hurt her back leg.   She was walking outside and suddenly jumped in pain.  She’s been to the vet, had x-rays, medication…

  • Alyssa’s New Pincushion

    Last week I started teaching my youngest grand-daughter Alyssa to embroider.  We spent a couple of hours together with me sitting right next to her.  She had my full attention and loved it!  This weekend she came over to finish her first project.  There’s a lot to embroidery you probably don’t even think about!  Alyssa’s learned the quilter’s knot, how to thread…

  • I have a new family!

    It’s possible to have two families and be very, very happy!  I have two families and I can’t stop smiling!  When I saw this ad in “Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine”  I started that “pinch me now” thing I have going.  I’ll never get used to the excitement of joining the wonderful  Moda family!  I’m keeping the ad around so that when…