• Pretties

    Pretties says it all!  They are!                                               And FYI, Bitsy is in LOVE with Wally!  Absolutely in LOVE!   Pretty pets one and all! Anne

  • Oh Those Cuties!

    Ok everyone, say “Oh How Cute”!                                                And did you think I’d forget the bunnies? Hey wait!  Who put me in here?  I’m not a bunny! Sure am cute! Anne

  • Rascals and Rollovers

    Oh the things they do to make us laugh!  Do you have a rascal or a rollover?  I never knew there were so many!                                      You rascals you!  Anne

  • The Gardeners

    The great outdoors, oh my how our pets love it!                                Don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers! Anne

  • Best Friends

    Friends come in all shapes and sizes!                                    There are so many animal friends!  Isn’t it wonderful?  Back soon, Anne