• Lily & Will II

    While you’ve been waiting for Lily & Will yardage to arrive at your local quilt store, I’ve been waiting for sample yardage of Lily & Will II to arrive at Bunny Hill!  That’s right, Lily & Will II! The twins have done it again!  Those sweet little babies are demanding a bit more attention.  They’re so sweet I’d do anything…

  • You know you haven’t been posting…

    You know you haven’t been posting much when you have to login to get back into your blog!   WordPress is asking me who on earth I am!  It’s me, it’s me WordPress.  I’m still here! Guess what?  Moda has a new designer!  Welcome Aneela Hoey!   Hop on over to her blog and leave a comment. She has such a cute…

  • Fillers

    What are  fillers?  They’re photos you use when you don’t have time to blog!  Photos that make you think I’m still here when in actuality I’m  in the background working like a maniac to get ready for market.  Yep, that’s me the market maniac, along with many other designers I’m sure. You may get more of these fillers this week.…

  • Hello September!

    It’s September 5th and if you read my newsletter today you know that we have 2 winners in the “I Love My Pet” contest!  What an exciting end to a wonderful month! Congratulations Franklin & Terry! Terry give Franklin a hug.  He won you a great first prize! Then, drum roll please…. We also gave out a second prize! Chelsea…

  • A few more Pets

    Saturday is coming up fast and I’ll be announcing the winner of the “I love my pet contest”.  Chelsea is ready, and she’s been practicing choosing a winner.  She’s looked at all the photos, I’ve read her all the emails, and she’s more excited than you can imagine! Wait!  What’s wrong here!  She can’t be sleeping through all of this…

  • New Clue from Michaela

    The hints keep coming and some of you might think I’m being tricky. I would never be tricky, even if I look a little like the lion in Michaela’s drawing right now.  I said in my last post “here’s a “little” hint”. Little was in quotes, a hint, and not one of you mentioned it!  Maybe you need some more…