• It’s almost Christmas! Are you ready?

    I honestly don’t now where this month is going!  Feels like it’s flying by!  I desperately need more time!!!  I have to fit in making cookies, our hometown parade, Granddaughter’s birthday, school play, time with friends, wrapping presents, shopping, and projects for January.   Do you feel this way?  It’s going way too fast, this month we call December. I’ve done…

  • It’s finally a Quilt!

    Snowmen are coming to town this holiday season!   It’s Snowbound time at Bunny Hill!  There’s nothing like finishing a quilt and being able to finally use it!  If you’ve joined me in making Snowbound, I hope you’ll enjoy yours as much as I’m enjoying mine! I’ve gathered up a few of my favorite snowmen and Snowbound is hanging in my…

  • The Bears Are In!

    Happy Friday everyone! The bears are in thanks to all of you!  How could my husband resist after reading your comments?  He happily carried the bears back inside, and now I think I’ll find a place for them every year.  Tradition, isn’t it wonderful? I’ve put them in a vintage pink cradle I’ve been saving for something special.  The cradle…

  • A Christmas Without Bears?

    I spent the weekend decorating for Christmas like many of you.  My husband drug out all the boxes, stacked them in the center of the garage and asked “are you doing the bears this year?”  ” Think I’ll skip a year” I said.  “Maybe they’re getting a bit old, year after year.” And then tonight I found these pictures… “So…

  • I’m Thankful for…

    I’m thankful for all of you this Thanksgiving day!  Thank you to each and every one of you who read my blog and make my designs.  I am so grateful to have you in my life. As I look back through photos you’ve sent over the past year, I’m amazed at what you do and how creative you are as…

  • DIY, Oh you are SO crafty!

    You know who you are you crafty one you!  You’ve been busy working on holiday gifts all year, and when someone finally opens one of your gifts you hear “you made this yourself? I can’t believe it!”  So give yourself a round of applause!  You’re part of the family! DIY! If you’re looking for things to make there are some…