• Love those Jelly Rolls!

    I’m in love with Jelly Rolls.  There’s just something so dang sweet about them!  Yesterday I went to the Moda web site and ta da!  My favorite Jelly Rolls appeared!  I was so surprised to see that Lily & Will were having coffee hot chocolate with Moda! If you like to play with Jelly Rolls go to the Moda website…

  • Friends@Festival

    Here’s a fun link for you this morning!  If you haven’t been to Friends@Fesitval web site you are missing some fun! Just click on the winter 2011 newsletter and then click on “freeloading”.  You’ll find a cute free pattern for “Fat Geese”.  If I had time I’d make this quilt myself! The “Friends@Festival newsletter is brought to you by the…

  • So Slooooooow!

    To all of my faithful blog readers I apologize for the slow website for the past two days.  If I were trying to shop I’d be crying.  I’m so sorry!  Henrietta is definitely causing a traffic jam.  What a sassy little squirrel she is! To make it up to you I’m extending the January sale for another day.  The 25%…

  • Who’s that Squirrel? It’s Henrietta Whiskers!

    Let’s have some fun!  Join me in the Henrietta Whiskers Club! Can you imagine a cute little squirrel with a winning personality?  I can, and I’ve put her in my newest applique quilt!  It’s Henrietta and she’s so excited to be here!  She’s the new Bunny Hill free block of the month for 2011!   I just hope all this…

  • All Dressed Up and Pouring Rain

    It’s pouring rain here today.  The kind of rain that brings high winds along with it.  California is definitely starting the New Year with a bang!  Watching the rain outside, made me dream of my trip to Paris last June, when a much more gentle rain brought out the umbrellas!  It was wonderful to watch. Then looking at the umbrellas…

  • Who Put The Chicken in the Tree?

    I live in an area filled with cherry, apricot, orange, fig, peach, apple, persimmon, and chicken trees.  Wait!  What did I just say?  Chicken trees? Yes, chicken trees!  Brigette’s friends, Dan & Teresa were wondering what was happening to their persimmons.  Now they know!  These are their chickens in their persimmon tree! Photo courtesy of Dan & Teresa! If I…