Moda Pillow Talk
Hi Everyone! Welcome to Pillow Talk at Bunny Hill! The creative mind behind “Pillow Talk” is Lissa Alexander the marketing director at Moda! She dreams up things for us to do in her sleep. No wonder she’s calling this “Pillow Talk”! We never know what she’ll dream up next! This time she’s given us questions to answer – like what…
A Pillow Talk Party and You’re Invited!
When: Starting February 1st What: Moda Pillow Talk! Learn something new about each designer, win some wonderful prizes, and see the pillows that represent each of us! Funny, cute and beautiful pillows! Where: On the following blogs in order of appearance; one designer each day for 20 days! February 1st … Aneela Hoey February 2nd … Blackbird Designs February 3rd…
Photography Bug
I have the photography bug and if you own a digital SLR camera one of these days you’ll get it too. I don’t think I realized that behind the camera is me and I’m the one who determines how that photo will look! I always thought it was the camera. If you want to learn photography take an online class…
Henrietta Updates & Class
Wow, some of you are working fast on the Henrietta quilt. You already have your backgrounds pieced! I’m really amazed! For the rest of you please remember the general instructions are just that…general. You’ll get the exact cutting directions every month with each block. Don’t feel like you need all the backgrounds pieced at once. You can do them…
Bundles & Kits Only
The studio still looks like a quilt shop and Brigette and I have spent hours cutting fabric. I love fabric, especially my own, but over the past few weeks I’ve come to realize that if I’m helping cut fabric I’m not designing! If I keep selling fabric I’ll have to move Bunny Hill to a warehouse and Brigette is protesting…
Jelly Roll Winners!
One thing for sure I learned from all your comments; we all love fabric! Doesn’t matter if it comes in a roll or on a bolt we just love it! Many of you consider it precious enough to save every scrap! Some of you like Vicky, over at LA Quilter (one of my favorite blogs), even keep track of how…