• Cat naps

      If you make a quilt the cat will find it… I set the redwork quilt on my desk, walked away for a minute and Mooch took possession.  She was very upset when I made her get off and she protested loudly.  She didn’t care that I had to get it in the mail!  I should know by now that…

  • The nicest people read my blog!

    Thank you to each and everyone of you who read my blog.  You are some of the nicest people I know.  I’ve seen your kindness everyday when I get the mail.  The blocks for Jeaneane are wonderful and it amazes me to see them all! I need a bit more time to photograph the blocks and pull together the prize…

  • Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

    Welcome to our Moda designer holiday blog hop!  You’ll be hopping around a bit this week visiting 4 to 5 blogs per day.  Each designer you visit will have a new sampler block and recipe for you.   Print them out on card stock, package them up and you’ve got a great little gift for yourself or a quilter friend!  You’ll…

  • First week of December!

    I started December off at our local hospital early on the morning of December 1st.  My husband had arthroscopic surgery on his shoulder because of a torn rotator cuff.  We had to arrive by 5:45AM. I had envisioned just “us” arriving at that time of the morning, but to my surprise there was a waiting room filled with patients all…

  • A New House for Jeaneane!

    Remember the photos of Jeaneane’s home after the Joplin tornado hit? Jeaneane’s family is rebuilding in the same location.   Where there was once devastation a new home now stands waiting for a brick front… And the inside of the home waits for paint, flooring and final touches… I can’t imagine how excited Jeaneane must be!  Her new home is so…

  • Love those weekends

    I had a great weekend, how about you?  Did you get some time to yourself to do a few of those things on your list?  Have you started Christmas shopping yet? I’ve been neglecting my house for two months while I’ve worked on new patterns, so this weekend it got some well needed TLC.  Who knew cleaning up and putting…