Introducing my newest Fabric line for Moda….Jubilee! Elegant, bright, pretty and fun. Perfect for baby, perfect for you. Jubilee will premier this week at International Quilt Market. You’ll find it packaged in fat quarter bundles, fat eighth bundles, layer cakes, charm packs and candies! I’ll bring Jubilee giveaways home from market so get ready for some fun. Hugs, Anne
Quilt Kits
We have kits on the website now. More than we’ve ever had before! The Abc’s of Life Quilt Kit We only have 2 kits left in pink and 1 kit left in blue. You can buy the fabrics separately but isn’t it nice when someone’s done all the shopping for you? You’ll need to add a pattern to the kit…
Quilt Labels
I’ve just finished stitching this label on my newest block of the month. Stitching on the label always feels so good. It’s the final touch that says the quilt is really finished! Since my quilts travel to shops, the information on the label is to identify the quilts and help get them home. I make my quilt labels on the…
Happy Birthday Bitsy Button!
Oh my sweet, sweet dog you’re turning 17 today. Why, you’re a Libra just like me! As I watched you run across the yard this morning I felt so proud to call you my dog. Today we’ll celebrate your birthday with whipped cream and cake to satisfy that sweet tooth of yours. Happy Birthday old girl! If you haven’t…
Quilt Kits
If you received our newsletter this morning you know we have new kits available. Our new kits are so yummy we all want one, even me! I would love to get a kit in the mail, open it up and be able to start on another quilt. The thought of working slowly, without the pressure of a deadline just sounds…
Paisley for Baby and Me!
I’m a paisley snob no doubt about it. I have certain criteria that must be met before I like a paisley fabric: 1. The size of the paisley must be right, not too small or large. 2. It can’t be dense or my eyes will cross. 3. Must be plenty of background behind the paisley so it stands on its…