• Paisley for Baby and Me!

    I’m a paisley snob no doubt about it.  I have certain criteria that must be met before I like a paisley fabric: 1.  The size of the paisley must be right, not too small or large. 2.  It can’t be dense or my eyes will cross. 3.  Must be plenty of background behind the paisley so it stands on its…

  • Windsor Lane has shipped!

    Wouldn’t you love to visit Moda when a new fabric line arrives to watch them prepare it for shipping?  The process must be exciting to watch and I’m sure Moda has it down to a science.  I can picture bolts and bolts of fabric boxed and ready for shipping, with the friendly UPS man carting them to his truck.  This…

  • One happy dog

    Packages are arriving addressed to Chelsea and I’m sure the mail lady is wondering why.  Chelsea is loving it!  Look at this little mouse that just arrived from Laura Klebs.  It’s hand knit with the softest mohair and it looks so similar to the original grey mouse.   Isn’t it just the sweetest? Or, how about this one?  It’s hand knit…

  • Announcing the winners

    Happy Saturday everyone!  We have some winners to announce today from the Moda Blog Hop so let’s get right to it!  I used the Random number generator at Random.org to pick the following winners: 1.  The bundle of Windsor Lane Fabric goes to : #1006 Jeanne who said “Hi, I am Jeanne from the center of Missouri. As I always…

  • “I Love Candy” Moda Blog Hop

    Hi everyone!   Welcome to the Moda Blog Hop and Bunny Hill.  When Chelsea heard this was about our hometown and Moda Candy she got so excited!   She begged me to let her show you around and there’s no keeping that dog out of things when she decides she wants in.  She’s been after the “Candy” I’ve had stashed for my…

  • Desperately seeking mouse

    Chelsea’s Mouse Years ago I bought this little knit mouse when Martha Stewart had her website.  We’ve had it for years and it’s become Chelsea’s very favorite dog toy.  She adores this mouse and every time someone comes to visit she runs to grab it and show it off.  She carries it around with her, watches over it in her…