• Happy Holidays!

    Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday week of fun and relaxing! Yesterday I took Diana and my grand-daughters into San Francisco to see the Nutcracker Ballet.  We rode Bart and then walked a few blocks to an area they call “The Plaza”.   It’s a beautiful area and it was filled with children dressed in suits and…

  • Moochers

    I was going through pictures today and I found some of Moochers my cat. Moochers, I can’t believe we named her that, the poor cat.  She was such a frail thing when she found us, and the name didn’t fit at all.  But there we were in the vet’s office and they asked me her name.  Moochers was all that came to mind, so…

  • Thankful

    It’s that time of year again.  Thanksgiving, a day to give thanks for family, friends, and all the people who enrich our lives.  I love Thanksgiving, I love the tradition and I love cooking the feast.  I’m thankful that across the world my family in Germany enjoyed the same traditional food on their table.  Lily will grow up to know the…

  • working behind the scenes

    Last night while you were sleeping we launched our new website.  As with anything new, it may take us a few days to work out any glitches, but I’m hoping we don’t have any!  We’ve tested it, and then tested it again, and like a mother pushing a bird out of the nest, last night I said to let it…

  • If you’re out and about

    If you’re out and about this holiday season and you pass a Williams Sonoma store, turnaround and go back.  You’re in for a treat. Every year I recommend their Hot Chocolate (I make mine with milk).  It’s a treat that happens once a year, and it makes the season special.   This year they’ve added more to this special tradition! …

  • Acorns and Roses

    Two weeks before Thanksgiving and in California we have acorns falling and roses blooming.  Feels normal for November.  I set off for the farmer’s market this morning with my camera in hand.           Our Farmer’s Market is open for one more weekend believe it or not. There’s one more photo I took today… I’m making receiving blankets and…